* Don't pretend you don't know what I mean. Photius then branded the entire Western church as heretical for inserting the phrase "and the Son" (filioque) into the Nicene Creed. This hardly signifies any sort of congregational or ecclesiological democracy, however, for while all believers possess the truth, it is the special duty of church authorities to teach it. You can make an appointment to talk to our parish priest Fr Athanasios by contacting him at (03) 9387 7693. Why didn't Henry VIII become Orthodox? - Paradox Interactive Forums Linguistic factors posed other, very practical problems. In 867, Patriarch Photius of Constantinople told other Christian patriarchs that the Rus' people were converting enthusiastically, but his efforts seem to have entailed no lasting consequences, since the Primary Chronicle and other Slavonic sources describe the tenth-century Rus' as still firmly entrenched in Slavic paganism. If anyone is unwilling or not ready to submit to the Church in all areas of life, they should stay awayuntil or unless they are ready to do so. Orthodoxy appeals to the soulnot just to the intellect or the senses. Roman Emperor Constantine's Conversion to Christianity - Classic History That is, Orthodoxy's commitment to "right belief" provides a natural link to evangelical concerns. Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. Sign up to receive a regular email newsletter from Fr. I had been to the east and discovered something wondrous that I assumed all Christians crave. To my friend who asked why I had not converted to Orthodoxy, the answer was surprisingly easy. In the first place, Christians believed Jesus to be the true God rather than a semi-god. Further, the Orthodox reject the idea of inherited guilt; we are guilty only for our own sins rather than for the inborn consequences of Adam's fall. For good and ill, it is a classic "cultural religion," and comprehending Orthodoxy is an indispensable key to understanding those countries, cultures, and people. Eastern Christians would hear nothing of it. I felt like Marco Polo. Toggle signature The pairing of both secular groups with the Orthodox in a religious freedom case is rare they have frequently been on opposite sides on church-state separation issues such as same-sex marriage . Why do Orthodox Christians keep a vigil at the Tomb of Christ? De Maistre, Billington says, was "convinced that Russia was an instrument chosen by Providence for the salvation of Europe." He was "fascinated by the possibility of converting this vast land to Catholicism." He launched a program towards that end. Why didn't Henry VIII go Orthodox, and what would happen if he did? At a minimum, Protestants need to move beyond ignorance of these neighbors. Its just that Orthodoxy still passes on the early churchs knowledge of how to tune in to the presence of Christ. In the words of contemporary Orthodox theologian Thomas Hopko, "everything in the church flows out of the waters of baptism: the remission of sins and life eternal." But this really begs another question: "Essential" for what? It is why I think a number of people have a list of groups they have been in here. Conversion involves a change or transformation in vision, direction and heart, one rooted in repentance and the acknowledgement of Our Lord as the One Who is truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who came into the world to save sinners. And such a journey can only be spoken of from experience. After being dunked in this sea of hymnography for a few years I began to recognise an underlying unity among all the elements of Orthodoxy the worship, the fasting, the exhortations to humility, the companionship of the saints, all of it. Instead, Orthodoxy believes that the church stands above the Scriptures, which is why, as noted, Orthodox believers agree to "accept and understand Holy Scripture in accordance with the interpretation that was and is held by the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church of the East, our Mother." In the history and theology of Orthodoxy it is startling to observe the nearly complete absence of any mention of the doctrine of justification by faith. For such a question presupposes a particular person's journey of faith. In 858 Photius was appointed as Orthodoxy's new patriarch at Constantinople, replacing Ignatius, who had been exiled and later resigned his duties. He made the decision to convert following his second marriage to actress Rita Wilson in. There are other problems as well: overlapping jurisdictions, lack of communication across jurisdictional lines, and a tendency to isolate ourselves from communities in which we live. This has some truth to it, but is mostly false. In the year 311, Emperor Constantine moved the political capital of his empire from Rome to Constantinople. For example, their local parish was too ethnic; the priest wasnt nice or outgoing; their spouse wasnt interested; they found logical inconsistencies in the writings of the fathers; and so on. How do you convert to Greek Orthodox Christianity? - Short-Fact As former Campus Crusade staff member Gillquist put it, why have so many "Bible-believing, blood-bought, Gospel-preaching, Christ-centered, lifelong evangelical Protestants come to embrace this Orthodox faith so enthusiastically?" Rather, each of the thirteen Orthodox churches has its own head, variously referred to as the patriarch, archbishop, or metropolitan. No new dogmas of faith spring out of the blue in her life. One finds that the Orthodox Church is indeed "the pillar and foundation of the truth" ( 1 Tim. Alexandria, 350,000 Orthodoxy allows divorce in some conditions if I'm not mistaken, and it would have been an easier transition to switch to another powerful church (and become friendly with Russia, etc.). Those friends benefit, no doubt, from this opportunity to practice patience and long-suffering. Needless to say, Rome was indignant; not until the Lateran Council of 1215 did it acknowledge the status of Constantinople. ), since the Reformation, justification by faith and substitutionary atonement have enjoyed pride of place in our understanding of the doctrines of sin and salvation. It took awhile because I grasped it through hearing the hymns of the church year, week in and week out. Debate is more plentiful than research, but also indefinite. Everyone associates Orthodox worship with sensory richness, but its also rich in theological content. If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you If they persecuted me, they will persecute you (John 15:18. Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean in Greek. Orthodoxy, in contrast, is a thoroughly aesthetic tradition, as attested by the central role played by icons. John Meyendorff writes that "the Christian faith can in no way be compatible with the notion of sola scriptura." Hope this helps, and hope that your journey to Orthodoxy is filled with every blessing. Each of them had his idiosyncrasies, and they regularly disagree. What are we to make, for example, of the Orthodox liturgy in Russia today, which is recited in ninth-century Slavonic, a language very few Russians even understand? Theologically, just what is at stake in the differences between Protestant and Orthodox theology? As Saint Paul reminds us, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another [Romans 12:5; see also Ephesians 4:25]. Along with Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity is one of the world's three major Christian traditions. On another front, under the leadership of founder Bradley Nassif, the Society for the Study of Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism (SSEOE) holds meetings each fall at Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center for the sake of the two traditions learning from one another. He has no good option for dealing with that affection, so he's either sullen or angry. The secret is out. Holy Orders are a mystery (sacrament) of the Church, and the Spirit blows where it will. Kind of like large scale serial monogamous people. Why did you convert to Orthodoxy? | OrthodoxChristianity.net Why Convert to Orthodox Christianity? Your email address will not be published. It takes awhile to get it, because its gotten by a process of immersion, by soaking in a context of worship. It is a good question, one I will answer in due course. For taking Communion together? My husband had been an Episcopal priest for 16 years, and we had gradually moved from an evangelical-style low church to the more liturgically-fancy high church. Orthodoxy looked like taking that escalator up one more floor. Two points that have been hallmarks of evangelical identity deserve special scrutiny: the relationship between Scripture and tradition, and the relationship between Scripture and the church. Whereas Western Protestants want to hear the written Word spoken in the sermon, Orthodox believers want to see it in the visual images of iconsas well as hear it in the spoken word. This perspective presupposes a defective Christologyone that fails to account for the anthropos of the theanthropic (Divine-human) Church. Georgia, 3 million Why People Convert to Orthodoxy It is often wrongly assumed that Orthodoxy . Since the World Council of Churches' Canberra Assembly in 1991, evangelical and Orthodox believers have joined in a series of wcc-sponsored dialogues on matters challenging historic Christian faith. Your email address will not be published. Further, they identify themselves by reference to Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), the "new Rome" of Emperor Constantine, and to the first seven ecumenical councils of the church. The Orthodox Church does not fit into the paradigms of modernity; it is not a wholly rational faith. (To be fair, we should note that a large number of Orthodox have become evangelical Protestants as well.). But about this pursuit we can make several observations. At the beginning, I thought I knew what I was getting into. It doesnt matter how long they have served, or how extensive their education. YouTube | Converting to Orthodoxy : r/OrthodoxChristianity Conversion is not only a matter of the intellect, but also of the heart. Orthodoxy has always affirmed that Peter was the "first among equals" (primus inter pares) ; but unlike Roman Catholics, the Orthodox have always denied that he held any "primacy of power" (primatus potestatis). In addition, sizable Orthodox "diasporate" groups exist in Europe, North and South America, and Australia, typically under the jurisdiction of one of the thirteen patriarchates mentioned above. Christianity had, in fact, penetrated "Russia" by the early 900s, when at least one church had been built in the ancient city of Kiev. Q&A: A closer look at Orthodox Christians | Pew Research Center Instead, an adolescent has to figure out and establish his adult persona in the face of affection. A wedding set o, Wedding Icon of Christ the Pantocrator (in Oklad /, A Handmade Bookcover For The Gospel. She rightly claims the wholeness of the truth. Circumcision controversy in early Christianity - Wikipedia Copyright 19962023. 1:4). 12 Reasons Why I Became and/or Remain an Orthodox Christian She is the Church of martyrs. But every church must have its distinctives, or wed all be in the same church. Theological disputes combined with these geopolitical and cultural factors to divide the Christian East and West. Here are a few reasons from this man's personal reflection. Conversions gradually transforming Orthodox Christianity Growing up in the Bible Belt, I was only ever exposed to Christian theology. Wynona is a Catholic planning to marry an Orthodox man, but as she tells us, "my Catholic parish priest is not giving his consent for this marriage, so it will be held in an Orthodox church.". Search, Learn more about the Orthodox Church in America, Orthodoxy and Cults and Non-Christian Groups. But I slowly came to see that I cant communicate it. That vision is of the Living God revealed in Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant, the life of the Faithful, the hope of the . A priest can provide guidance and support to help converts discern whether the religion is right for them. Jerusalem, 260,000 At the 1996 meeting of sseoe, Orthodox representative Stanley Harakas said that the Orthodox, who have lived for 70 years in Russia under Communist oppression, are in a state of weakness, unable to rebuild churches and barely able to educate their parishioners. At the time I was so occupied with comprehending this strange thing called Orthodoxy that I emphasized the differences, and was impatient with kindly big-tent suggestions. Together they gathered an army with the intent to regain control of Rus' and establish Vladimir as the ruler. Before long, in Reformation churches the sermon had replaced the Eucharist as the defining moment of the liturgy. Conversely, evangelicals argue that this forensic framework for sin and salvation is not merely a historical and unduly negative carryover from Augustine and Anselm, but rather is the clear teaching of Paul in his Letters to the Romans and Galatians. The true details behind her It is no small thing for us to hold in common all the early, Christian creeds. All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. This is particularly notable in the mid-1st century, when the circumcision controversy came to the fore. How to Become an Orthodox Christian - Phoenix, Arizona A Christian representation of Vladimir I, who was the first Rus' leader to officially bring Christianity to the region. John 17:14.16). Different from forms of western Christianity, there is no rationalization or theorization of dogma because its focus is on symbology rather than the literal. During those years of discovery I labored to absorb new ideas and excise stubborn old ones. Why I Didn't Convert to Eastern Orthodoxy Conciliar Post Christians in the West variously trace their roots to Rome (Catholics), Wittenberg (Lutherans), Geneva (Calvinists), Canterbury (Anglicans), or Oxford (Wesleyans). Clickhereto learn more about the deeds we are talking of and to learn how you can become a part of our social ministry and help those in need. And these prayers are jam-packed. And I would try hard, no doubt to the point of rudeness, to convince them this was not so. This doesnt mean we shun catechesis, but just that its not always done in the same way everywhereand where it exists, its likely different from what a catechumen might expect or even hope. Christ is thus "the Offerer and the Offered, the Acceptor and the Distributed," all in such a way that nothing is added to his once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. In Russia, the largest figure usually cited for the Orthodox Church is 85 million people (some estimates are as low as 50 million), which means 100 million Russiansmore than half the countryare not affiliated with Orthodoxy. The sacraments. Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean. It is precisely this view that elevates Scripture above the church and actually encourages private interpretation that the Orthodox theologian Georges Florovsky once called "the sin of the Reformation.". She stands firm on her dogmatic and moral teachings. It took awhile because I grasped it through hearing the hymns of the church year, week in and week out. Thats surely a factor, but I think theres something else going on, more specific to Orthodox converts. Orthodoxy generally affirms the same seven sacraments as Catholicism: baptism, chrismation or confirmation, the Eucharist, repentance or confession, holy orders or ordination, marriage, and holy unction or anointing of the sick. In the security of the Orthodox Church one finds peace, reassurance. But they all came together in worship, and were shaped by the same hymns and prayers, the appointed Scripture readings, preaching, and the "picture bible" of iconography. In this Orthodox view, Scripture stands within rather than above the church, and to distinguish its authority from that of the church is a mistake of method. (2 Pet. Playing as Rurik in 862: Convert to local religion or keep Norse So Christianity would not have been completely alien to the Rus, and even Vladimir's grandmother, Olga, would become enamored with Christianity. However, they rarely spent any time in Orthodox worship services or their local parish, developed no relationship with a priest, and did not engage their spouse or family in their studies and interest in the Church. But why is our kind so characteristically obnoxious? Rather, Orthodoxy affirms a single source of revelation, holy tradition, of which Scripture is the preeminent among several forms. They insisted that the Bible interprets itself, and through the Holy Spirit, God instructs its readers in a direct and individual manner rather than binding their consciences to the supposedly reliable teaching of the church. Granny and Pops and Uncle Pete love the little guy, and theyre going to be kindly and patient with him because hes going through a phase. By the end of the sixth century, neither group could speak the other's language. While evangelicals might be eager to argue there is no biblical warrant for icons, for the Orthodox it is enough that icons have always been a part of church tradition. Everyone associates Orthodox worship with sensory richness, but its also rich in theological content. The other forms of tradition include the first seven ecumenical councils, which are acknowledged as normative and, by some, even infallible; patristic writings, especially those of the first four centuries; later councils; the Liturgy; canon law; and icons. Russian priest explains why westerners are converting to Orthodox Orthodox worship can be overwhelmingly beautiful and attractiveon multiple, deeply-felt levelsbut this should not be the only reason why a person converts. The essence of it was to evangelize younger aristocrats, future leaders of the land. In 999, Leif, the son of Erik, was converted to Christianity by Olaf Tryggvason. The basic framework of services like the Divine Liturgy or Vespers doesnt change much, but every day of the liturgical year provides prayers for saints and feasts that can be added to that framework. What was the impact of Vladimir I converting to Greek Orthodox Christianity in the region of Byzantium? Other times it is a youth group or Bible study group inspiring and educating. A second theory is that converts of any sort have a tendency to exuberance that is wearying to outsiders. She is conscious of being the true Church founded by Christ. So You Want to Convert to Judaism? It's Not That Easy Maybe you have to soak in it for years, till the evidence becomes overwhelming. And for Orthodoxy, this argument from holy tradition is of great significance. Doing so will make much of what you have read come alive, in the sense of seeing how that about which you have read is actually lived. Think of it in the following way. The reason Orthodoxy is stable is because she is grounded in the truth. Is it wrong for Western missionaries to seek to convert the Orthodox in lands like Russia, Romania, or Greece? He promptly left Constantinople. One is attracted to Orthodoxy in the same way one falls in love. In this video, Fr. Orthodox spiritual life gives central prominence to the sacraments. This conception lessens the validity and value of the Holy Scriptures as the primary source of Christian dogma." Why did Kievan Rus convert to Orthodox Christianity? Hymns like these offer quite a theological education to anyone who comes to services, and if you didnt catch it all, theres a good chance theyre going to sing it two more times. It is precisely this exclusivistic assertion that some Protestant converts, in search of the "true, New Testament Church" have found so beguiling. Who can explain why one has fallen in love with a given person? Nicholas Kim. To be Eastern Orthodox is, above all, to stake a bold and unapologetic theological claim as the one true church of Christ on earth, which alone has guarded right belief and true worship in absolute identity and unbroken succession with the apostolic church. Evangelicals urge the necessity of personal conversion through the faith and repentance of the individual believer, as opposed to the Orthodox idea of regeneration by the sacraments. In Orthodoxy one encounters the eternal, unchangeable God. The basic framework of services like the Divine Liturgy or Vespers doesnt change much, but every day of the liturgical year provides prayers for saints and feasts that can be added to that framework. Here is an overview of the steps you can take to convert to Orthodox Christianity: Talk With an Orthodox Priest. Why did Vladimir convert to Orthodox Christianity? Administered to infants who are fully immersed three times, baptism effects the "bath of regeneration" by which a person is born again, wholly cleansed from both original and actual sins, and, consequently, saved from guilt and punishment. 1. But the impulse is to exaggerate the differences when you fear being hugged to death. But they all came together in worship, and were shaped by the same hymns and prayers, the appointed Scripture readings, preaching, and the picture Bible of iconography. Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska, Out of Appalachia: Orthodox Christianity and the Old Regular Baptists, What Do You Believe In? In the 950s, Olga, the grandmother of Vladimir, was . During my project I gained. Orthodoxy insists tenaciously on the role of tradition which is her very life and builds upon its past, without revisions. If only you could get them to form two lines.). Here, according to Ronald Roberson's 1993 book The Eastern Christian Churches, is a list of these churches and their approximate sizes: Constantinople, 3.5 million This is no archaic, dusty doctrine, either. For any convert, it's a spiritual, intense, and private process,. Affectionate attempts to obscure this quest feel suffocating. Nicholas reversed the decision, reinstating Ignatius and deposing Photius. Heres a clue to a third possibility. For example, on the Feast of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, the chanter launches into this: Of the Father before the morning star Thou wast begotten from the womb without mother before all ages, even though Arius did believe Thee to be created, not God, classing Thee in ignorance and impudence with creatures. If a richer liturgical life is what a believer wants, converting to Orthodoxy is hardly necessary. And during those years of discovery, my mind was constantly cranking away as I laboured to absorb new ideas and excise stubborn old ones. Another issue is becoming Orthodox because one thinks the Church will reward them in some way for doing so. Converting to Orthodoxy - SPCK Publishing Join our newsletter to get the most interesting articles on spiritual issues and learn about the recent news from St. Elisabeth Convent. Although it is difficult to gather firm figures, worldwide Orthodox Christians number about 150 million, with 3 million in the U.S. alonemore than most evangelical denominations. Small bodies of Orthodox believers exist in other places as "autonomous" but not "autocephalous" churches (Finland, Japan, former Czechoslovakia, etc.). Facebook | In 1993 I was chrismated and joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, but only lately has it dawned on me that I must have strained friendships over the years, due to my vocal enthusiasm for my adopted church. All rights reserved. Their new group who were so "excited" to have them isn't interested/has no role for them as clergy. The last reason Orthodox converts are obnoxious resembles the reason adolescents are obnoxious. In this wonderful, 4-minute video, Fr. The stability that the Orthodox Church provides for the seeker consists in the assurance of the truth she possesses, her other-worldly and mysterious character, the beauty of her liturgical celebrations and her crucified lifethey all attest to what she is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear: the unique, beloved Bride of Christ.
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