The other gods, including gods of Evil, all allied to chain and imprison the Ender of All so as to prevent Him from annihilating the entire multiverse. His holy number is 333. EGtW 23, No. These creatures grow as cultists perform ritual sacrifice to it. Portfolio Chaotic Evil[1] In fact, all evidence points to Tharizdun, the Eater of Worlds, as being this dark god. [art 3], Tharizdun is depicted, if at all, as "a creature of rolling, hungry ink and darkness",[3] a spreading cloud of lightless destruction. The God Vishnu . Some credit the fact that Tharizdun did not gain a permanent foothold on Toril to the personal intervention of the goddess Mystra. They are typically used to guard temples, and were created by the cult by combining the art of necromancy with the power of one of Tharizdun's dark artifacts. All Warlocks have a pact to an otherworldly entity known as the Warlocks patron. Above all dont allow any of Tharizduns followers close enough to communicate. Even within his madness, Tharizdun recognized that his fellow gods would turn on him before he could fully seize the power the obyriths promised. This makes a reflex attack against everything in six squares as tentacles of absolute blackness and utter cold swirl around Thardizun spinning into a black caccoon that protects Thardizun from further attacks. Stumbling onto this lost temple, they have encounters of ceremony and worship as well as rituals that put them at risk of death and madness (not in that order). [27] The Elder Elemental God is described as a huge, mottled, tentacled being, or as a pillar of vast elemental force with a body of burning magma, radiating steam. Who is the oldest and/or most powerful god in 5e? [28], The cult of Tharizdun possesses numerous artifacts and lesser magic items sacred to the Dark God, and devotes considerable resources to finding more. [7], The elhoriads are blackened, undead skeletons with a deadly entropic touch. It is speculated that the Dark God floats powerlessly through the Astral Plane, all but dead due to lack of followers. Tharizdun | Kingsway Role Playing Group Wiki | Fandom No, the binding magic is more about keeping those from the outside from informing him of his weak entrapment. [19][20] It is feared that the nature of Tharizdun, being unlike the other divinities, could shatter the Divine Gate alone if unleashed. Tharizdun is named in such second edition Greyhawk books as Player's Guide to Greyhawk (1998) and The Scarlet Brotherhood (1999). The albino gnomes beneath the hills here are said to dig caverns to steer visitors away from the temple. Tharizdun's priest is a human male, of average height, with wild dark hair, sticking up in all directions. Recently freed, Shothragot hopes to collect the 333 gems of Tharizdun and set its master free. Thanks to Torog's efforts, Tharizdun became known instead as the Chained God. And what possible story element could he be in your game? They think that by helping him destroy this one they'll be given power - maybe even be the new gods - in Tharizdun's new world that will replace it. Those who do know of Tharizdun refer to him euphemistically as the Chained God. Around -700 CY, the ruler of Sulm invoked the Dark One in hopes of uniting his feuding subjects. Should he ever escape from his prison, it is thought that even the most evil of deities would work with their good counterparts to return Tharizdun to his prison. As the Dark God, he is credited with the corruption of the Seelie Court. the Chained God,[8] Seriously though, the thought that went into this is obvious and creates an atmosphere just reading it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Titles Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. Tharizdun has many known artifacts. "One" that is known is actually many: a collection of gems known as the 333 Gems of Tharizdun. A dark, chained god working through an insane cult to bring about the end of all things would be challenging to any campaign. The Return to the Temple of Elemental module, Cult of Tharizdun: The Witnesses of Tharizdun, Shadow of Shothragot: The Price of Survival. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Although Rexxentrum itself was founded post-Calamity, it was built on the site of an ancient temple to Pelor. There are a lot of creatures connected to dreams. I love Tharizdun and look forward to seeing what this produces. [6][10] Tharizdun was subsequently detailed in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting (1983). The target is Grappled (escape DC 14) if the devil isn't already Grappling a creature. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! In 581 CY, a paladin of Heironeous broke the ring into three pieces. [7], The black cysts are amorphous spheres of pure blackness, formed from the coagulated nightmares of sleeping Tharizdun. As the final boss, I intend to run the level 30 characters against him in a solo encounter. This one, however, is crystalline in nature. This is mainly due to the fact that the PC would have a hard time following such a dark patron unless youre running an evil campaign. This would be a better Patron for an NPC Antagonist. [18], In recent years, Tharizdun's cult built a new temple in an extinct volcanic crater in the Lortmil Mountains, known as the Temple of All-Consumption. I would give him several avatars along the way with powerful mental abilities. Tharizdun's few followers are almost all insane, and those who are not are extremely dangerous. Male 32 . This isn't so much a build suggestion (I've never DMed epic and have never thought of making a monster for it) as a story suggestion. Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion is the mad deity of death and trickery. The majority of the Elder Elemental Eye's cultists (including Tharizdun's exarchs) don't even know he is a god, thinking him instead to be a powerful primordial. Pacific Fruit Vineyards Aldi, Historically, he has been considered Neutral Evil[1]. Crooked, seven-pointed star made of chains. Gods collection - Thingiverse Further powers, criticism, suggestions are welcome. They also appreciate the tremendous and dangerous power Torog actually wields. An ancient, dark god of malign decay and madness, Tharizdun seeks nothing less than the utter destruction of the universe, reducing all including himself to literal nothingness. Worship Moradin used the Core Anvil to craft the Prime Trammels used in the Rites of Prime Banishment. A few scattered cults of demented followers revere him, calling him the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye. Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings. And another thing, you shouldn't just beat Thardizun. Short Term Furnished Rentals In Naples Florida. Tharizdun The Chained God is trapped in the Abyss that he himself created. Tharizdun is sometimes worshiped as an entity called the Elder Elemental Eye (a being similar to Ghaunadaur), but few of these worshipers recognize the two as being the same entity. Its location in the multiverse is a closely guarded secret, even among gods. Reality warps in its wake. Don't take your organs to heaven for God knows they are needed here.. Their current location is unknown, but it is certain that the collection was split up long ago. On top of that, you may encounter the dream of Tharizdun himself! (Although I keep his morality in question, with a cult viewing him as a gnostic figure and the other gods filling in for the Demiurge.). In both cases, the influence was supposed to subtly lead toward Tharizdun's broad goals. There are multiple different settings, which could equate to something like a multiverse. He is rarely referred to by name and usually referred to as the Chained God. The Scorpion Crown was gifted by him to the last king of Sulm. [3], An ancient, but inert temple of Tharizdun survives in Erelhi-Cinlu, the drow city. Tharizdun's temples (often in the shape of black ziggurats) are usually hidden, due to necessity. It's like asking how many HP the moon has - no amount of hits with a shortsword will meaningfully damage it. Also called The Chained God, his symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. If you find yourself drawn in the narcissistic dream of He Who Waits, madness may wait with him. Tharizdun is a evil god of eternal darkness, decay, destruction, entropy, malign knowledge, and insanity.[1]. The elemental cults in the original Temple of elemental evil believed they were worshiping the destructive powers of the elements themselves, with a few believing their patron was Zuggtmoy; however, only a few knew that Tharizdun was the cults' true patron. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. During the age of the Founding, the Primordials' slaughter of the mortal races the creator gods had formed drew the attention of the demons of the Abyss, who poured into the world to feast on the carrion. Abyss Due to Tharizdun's imprisonment, his priests must remain in contact with a site or object holding some of the Dark God's power in order to use their magic. the Father of Elder Evils,[7] Tharizdun Tharizdun (a.k.a. Tharizdun | WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons Wiki | Fandom He is listed as an example Otherworldly Patron for warlocks who make a pact with a Great Old One. I could see this working really well as using the shapechange to hide his true form and scope out the party secretly, and then revealing himself in the last act.
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