Order these Taxmasters to stop oppressing our people. -, (Jubilost only) Denounce these Taxmasters in word, but not in act. Asmodeus: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Asmodeus (+2 bonus to resolve any Problem for every 20 points of Stability above 200, up to a max of +10) and unlocks the Project: Trade Agreement with Cheliax (4 BP per 30 days; this increases by +4 BP per 30 days for each consecutive 30-day period Community is Rank 10, Stability is Rank 7+, and unrest state is Worried or better). The Regent also helps renovate the size of the capital. Needless to say, these summaries have spoilers. A guild of river shipbuilders want to give you a gift. Pathfinder Kingmaker builds off concepts first established in the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Loyalty Rank 9A: If the merchants rebelled, the guards have arrested the plotters. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Crimefighters (+2 to Wardens rolls to solve Problems). As an Alchemist, Jubilost has great Intelligence for the job, but his Chaotic nature can be detrimental when forming a Lawful kingdom. Wiki. He only works with willingly donated bodies, but the spell requires use of a piece of the soul. -, (Bartholomew Delgado only) " Set the fines as you see fit." This triggers the Event: The Wrath of Sevenarches [General, High Priest, Warden]. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. Divine Rank 8: The guards have arrested preachers of atheism from Touvette. Despite having the Fighter class, Valerie has remarkably high Charisma. The exp awarded may be level-dependent, and you may get different amounts in your game. Stats can also be increased by constructing buildings in each settlement. A priest of Groetus, Harrim left his dwarven home to spread the word of the God of End Times throughout the Stolen Lands. -, Let the merchants and their mercenaries do as they will. -, (Tsanna only) "Tell the guards stay away from the dispute. For example, you can end the game with over 1 million gold and a ton of BP but still be told that your treasury's empty since you didn't sufficiently grind down the proletariat with oppressive taxes. Community Rank 4b: A merchant was attacked by Davor the Grey. Lets avoid the expense. (Kanerah, Jubilost, and Maegar disapprove). There's a somewhat pedantic change I would like to make to my current save file. This throne room event unlocks the Event: Purge the Ranks [Treasurer, Grand Diplomat, High Priest]. For more information, please see our Whoever takes up this position will be handling requests about individuals causing problems for others, so think over the best way to deal with these. Out of all the advisor choices in Kingmaker, the idea of a Curator is undoubtedly the strangest since it provides nowhere near as much use as the rest of the advisor roles. Cookie Notice (Tsanna only) Give Tsanna the grove. That sucks all the fun out of it. They want to fight over it to the death. I know about the other guy. Community Rank 2: A shepherd has a dispute with his neighbor over a cow. They're basically binary options without much nuance or ties to anything else in the game. There are a number of options to stir internal conflict in Galt. I know it will be spoilerish to answer my question, but why do you prefer Shandra over Kassil? My dilemma is that I don't want to go too long without advisors and I know that The Witch Hunt Quest won't become available until after Troll Trouble. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Eternal Guardians. Once you achieve Rank IV Community, the Regent will help unlock the Diplomat role and support it until it levels. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). This throne room event unlocks the Project: Easier Claim (region claims and upgrades cost 15% less). -, Dispatch soldiers to the Grey Gardeners. -, Arrange peaceful negotiations with Gralton. -, Pass the information about the Gardeners to the leader of the Revolutionary Council of Galt. -, Help the Order of Vengeance achieve their revenge. -, Organize peace negotiations with Litran. -, Were going to hit them right in their fat purses. I wouldnt recommend completing this Project if you are aiming to get the Achievement for 100 random encounters. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. This has led to the Pathfinder system being referred to as Dungeons and Dragons 3.75 by fans. Vordakai is an interesting choice, as his mere presence in the capital can unsettle certain characters and situations. Need help finding save data flag : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Magic plays a significant role in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but it isn't necessary for those not playing with an arcane build. Abadar: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Abadar (+2 to Regent and Treasurer's rolls in resolving Problems; Community +1 for each Success or Triumph with the Regent and Treasurer; +2 BP/week for every 20 points of Community above 200, up to 20 BP/week). Don't worry too much about the ending slides (if that's something you'd do). The results depend on your choices during the throne room events for Ranks 4, 6, and 8. So if you had Kanerah as your Treasurer, swap her out before this throne room event! Military Rank 7: Representatives of three military groups have come to offer their services, you must select one. Commitment to duty: Stats (2) - Community and Loyalty. And execute the organizers." Gorum: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Gorum (+2 to General's rolls on Events; +2 bonus to General's rolls to solve Problems for every 20 points of Military above 200, up to a max of +20; receive 5 BP each time an Event is successfully resolved by the General). Economy Rank 9: The Treasurer asks how to spend some idle funds. 5B: A delegation of Pharasmites has arrived and demanded you ban necromancy. Divine Rank 4: There is a cult of Erastil that is engaged in blood sacrifices (Community -3, Loyalty -3, Divine -7, Stability -3). and with high DC's it is always better to have companion advisor. This triggers the Event: Cult Sacrifice [Grand Diplomat, Minister]. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. Jaethal is a bit less desirable, mostly because her talents may be better as Curator instead of Minister. As you level up your kingdom stats the NPC advisors (like Jhod) will have level up projects that puts them on par with your companions. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." -, " Let the bandits organize volunteer militia and to safeguard the citizens' security." This is the second of the decisions related to Larzios opera. Select the strongest and most skilled recruits. You don't need to train people before using them. This triggers the Event: The Grey Rebellion [Councilor (disadvantage), General, Treasurer]. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Defenders of the Land (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in claimed regions). Advisors don't matter much as long as you don't disagree with them too often. -, The merchants became wealthy because they know how to read and write. -, I want the people to become the kingdoms ears. Divine Rank 6: Four priests have arrived and ask to be allowed to build a temple to honor their gods. Overall, choose advisers that agree with your lords moral and social stance. We shall allow the servants of Asmodeus to set up a temple. [LE god of tyranny and contracts] (LE moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Asmodeus. You need 60 points in divine before you get a magister, so that is maybe the problem? For example, Kanerah gives some unique options as Treasurer, and Jaethal is the only Curator who gives you the options that can lead to the best results on the opera. Regarding reimbursement the Brevan will have to do without it." She has spent most of her life immersed in the worlds of gaming and film, with an aspiration to one day create their own movie. My options are Harrim and Jhod, Tristian can only be councillor. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Season of Bloom Gaming Community Rank 5: Davor the Grey has sparked a riot in the Narlmarches to try to overthrow you (Community -10 and the unrest state worsens by 1 step [i.e., stable -> worried]). The Regent focuses on the needs of the common people. I order you to issue a decree, and set out to regulate the use of magic in the settlements. -, We shall exchange our arcane knowledge with other states. -, I wish to improve the education and training of our priests. -, I command the construction of a great workshop. -, I order the guard doubled in all settlements. -, Let them get used to taking care of themselves. -, Help the locals pull up their roots and take them to another area. -, (Regongar only) Wipe them out, Regongar. Arcanamirium Sanctuary (Arcane +7, Stability +7, and +1 to the Warden and Magisters rolls to solve Problems). I dont care for this risk. Only on level up. Pages: 1. Economy Rank 7: The Daggermark trading houses are requesting permission to trade in your lands. My kingdom is in need of a noble class (LN moral choice) - This enables the Projects: a) Stability by Nobility (Stability +1 whenever the Regent has a Success or Triumph on Events) and b) Blue Blood Community (-15% cost of buildings with a static Community bonus). There are three possible treasurers in Pathfinder: Kingmaker: Jubilost Narthropple, Bartholomew Delgado and Maegar Varn. -. Relations Rank 4: Your guards captured a suspicious man serving the Black Marquis. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Kingdom Protection (reduces the chance of a random encounter in claimed regions by 60%). They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. Take care of the merchant and reimburse him for the stolen goods." (Alchemist/Bard/Druid/Magus 3, 50 charges, sells for 4,500 gold), which appears in your Stash. [CN god of strength and battle] (CN moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Gorum. As a note, I would've added some of the updated info to the wiki, but I honestly can't figure out how to make edits in pages with tables. Loyalty Rank 8: This throne room event depends on your prior Loyalty decisions. Advisors - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs Here are the advisers, their alignment, and how to recruit them: As noted, you cant have every adviser at once. To figure out the outcome, find the amount of support you gave during the Rank 4 and Rank 6 events in column 1 (which establishes your row) and match that up to the support you give during the Rank 8 event (columns 2-5). Arcane Rank 7B: If Arcane Amoral > Arcane Control: there was a poisonous gas leak during an experiment in the mages quarter that has led to deaths. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. Arcane Rank 4: The people are complaining about experiments in the mage quarter. You only get this option if you refused to build a school in the Culture Rank 1 throne room event. Relations Rank 7A: If you chose to support Sevenarches in the Rank 5 event, Kyonin denounces you. also for a chaotic neutral mindset, harrim is much much better high priest then jhod, jhod is pretty normal lawful good type. I made them. -, Send our citizens the message that the mercenaries are under our protection. -, Let the merchants know that their efforts are not required. Roll Espionage DC 25 check every week; on failure, Economy -3, Loyalty -3, Community -3, Relations -3). Thanks VolpeRosso, for the info and saves! Thanks Plainoldcookies, for this info! With all the secrets spreading around, the Minister is single handily the most helpful advisor. When you need to control your nation in the best way possible, you'll want the right person for the job. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. Many of the Advisor Rank Up tracks have an associated Event/Problem that triggers in lieu of a choice at specific ranks. Possible Magisters include Octavia (CG), Storyteller (TN), or Vordakai (NE) and makes use of Intelligence. Many of their projects result in magical effects that can support the party or change aspects of the world map. Arcane Rank 8A: If Arcane Amoral > Arcane Control: The artifact appraiser from the Arcane Rank 2 throne room event wants no restrictions on the sale of material components for spells. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. This event occurs if you did not ban necromancy during the Rank 3 Event. Stability Rank 2: A group of fairies has started causing problems for a settlement, saying theyre pushing back invaders. (Amiris choice, Regongar disapproves).
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