1)The karmic task is not to allow yourself to become a "stranger among your own,forgetting about the roots and national traditions,maintaining a balance between the desire for reform and respect for history. 4)This position is good in sports,because a person has competitiveness.He doesnt want to cheat,because he wants to be honest with himself first of all.Such a person,if desired,can train for days and nights. 2)Has the gift of eloquence.He knows how to express his thoughts easily and beautifully.It is interesting to read and listen to.A good position for writers and poets. 7)With negative aspects,a person likes to dramatize and play to the public.He can flaunt his life or pry into someone elses. 4)They literally feel the money,intuition saves them from bad deals. Neptune conjunct the ascendant can make you look like a Pisces rising. These individuals have been seen as sensitive, intuitive, and artistic. ; ; . They may also have a heightened sense of compassion and involvement with others, as they intuitively sense what others need. Were you born with Neptune in the 1st House? They have a flair for the theatrical in all areas of creative endeavors. 5)His entourage may include influential people,or those with whom he has been friends for several years.They are very selective(including themselves). 2)A wonderful aspect for an astrologer,fortune teller or clairvoyant.A person literally feels the cards or energy of a person.They notice the signs of fate. 5)Good aspects give a person a friendly energy.People want to meet them,pay attention to them.Their money is reliable and sometimes grows. 2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy. Quick Funeral Home Obituaries Bennettsville, South Carolina. You tend to view things in an idealized way rather than as they are, and put strong faith in intuition. gemini x sagittarius = 8/10 They have to learn to forgive the past and not devolve too much into it. You will keep people guessing about your deeper intentions. looking within than by avoiding quietness. 5)When bad aspects with Venus can indicate a womanizer. It can indicate that your partner has a strong idealistic or spiritual drive, or the belief in being faithful. -You may have fought as a child or often argued with other children. -They like constant changes in the house.They may rarely move,but they like to make frequent repairs or rearrange furniture. 9)Not all rising Capricorns have cheekbones.Sometimes(especially in girls)a strong role is played by the Moon and Venus,if they are,for example,in Cancer,they may have a round face and large eyes. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr 10)Rising Sagittarius so goes the smileThink of Anne Hathaway. What does this placement say about your personality? 5)This position of Neptune is good for social workers who are able to realize their talents for the common good,preferably within a large organization that will give them a lot of clients,colleagues and suitable motivation for their work. Charming, very charming. Dismiss His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. -They may love comedy or something unusual. So, she will always know how to please her man anyhow. 5)Bad aspects indicate a bad environment in the house.The man lacked love and attention.My parents were always busy. inside. 2)Hard work,perseverance and great creative abilities are the key to success and glory of a person. Neptune in 1st House: Physical Appearance Neptune rules Pisces, so if Neptune is in your natal 1st House, you may look similar to a Pisces rising, regardless of what your actual rising sign is. 4)Their child can be a very hard-working and educated. And not are versatile and easy going. Neptune in the 1st house Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. Uranus and Neptune in the 1st House: Here's how to interpret this This is represented by the 12th house, where universal consciousness links all existing things together as if they were one and the same, despite physical attributions and tangible limits. The sky is changing with swift-moving clouds; birds fly quickly (Art: Ixion Thrown into Hades by Jules-lie Delaunay), could you do a post about the mtl aggressive Mars signs? 4)Excellent speakers,they are able to win the attention of the public and be the center of attention.They speak clearly and beautifully. 3)Okay,Im not the only one who notices how much attention they pay to their hair?They do styling,haircuts,they can have a bunch of masks and conditioners for them.And they constantly correct them.Guys,dont worry,even with your hair disheveled,you look awesome. 1)Gives good advice,has a broad outlook and is quite lucky. 2)Helikes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively. 3)The harmonious aspects of Saturn with other planets help a person maintain health until old age. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr - Examiner 1)They may have unusual allergies or just a large number. 5)Gambling and if they are your opponents,then I sincerely wish you good luck(your chances of winning are very,very small). 3)Bad aspects can indicate frequent financial and property crises.A person spends as quickly as he earns.He needs to learn to control his spending. Although she will tend to have less focus and concentration as she tends to drift through life, this can be advantageous for her as she may be able to win people over through her charming yet vague demeanor. 1)He knows how to cool his ardor at the right time.They often want to be in charge of the family.They like to do the renovation and decoration of their home. 3)With bad aspects,it can be too trusting,careless and frivolous. 4)Good intuition and imagination.They are inspired by music,peace and quiet.They themselves are a huge vessel of creativity. 2)Like the sixth house you need to value yourself and your time and not help everyone. 5)Such a person may not be aware of some of their talents.Try as many hobbies as possible please. 3)He has a good imagination.He does a lot of his work intuitively.Such a person cant always explain in words how he came to this result. 11)You have a fiery temperament and if necessary,you will quickly put anyone in their place. 3)People trust and are attracted to you.You give off good energy.You can often be appointed as a manager or director in a company.Be more confident in yourself and show all the strength of the Leo,just do not be too stubborn please. Peach Astrology Neptune in the houses. It immediately adds a strongly sensitive, stormy, and magnetic resonance to their being. 3)Good aspects indicate a strong and inquisitive mind,bad aspects indicate poor memory and learning problems. Please leave a comment below and let me know. . ?I admire you. memory and a soft heart, even when you least expect it. This individual will be fascinated with anything spiritual and metaphysical, even if they themselves do not follow a particular spiritual philosophy or religion. . 4)Youre not always creative.You are attracted to music and art,but a small part of you(need to look at Mercury and Venus)they are engaged in creative work.Most are just well versed in the history of music or paintings,you can also read the works of philosophers.You like to be smartand develop. 2)With good aspects and a sign of the planet,their spouse has a high social status,a good financial situation and has real estate. Mannerisms, facial expressions, hand gestures, body language. 4)You are inspired by other people.You can get to know a person and be impressed by their hobby,and the next day try it out.If you want to get inspired,go to Pinterest or write to your friends. Neptune in 1st House shows an individual who is creative, imaginative, spiritual and who may also be in search of purpose and meaning. When it comes to morals, you may have a tendency to question what is right or wrong. Your days will be filled with pleasantly daydreaming away from the heart of reality. With this placement, there is this feeling of the magician going back to the tarot cards. 1)Such a person can work hard,but the results of his work dont become public. Capricorn: this moon They put people they love It is easier for them to be there for others than to basics - signs. 1)Their parents were attentive to their studies.Perhaps such a child started reading or speaking early. Neptune rules hidden gifts, secret desires, and a need for spirituality. 3)Even the owner of Neptune in the 11th house often has low self-esteem,is shy to show their talents,hides in the shadow of others.Having a fine mental organization,it is vital for him to learn to punch his way with his elbows,so as not to be trampled by the crowd. 5)The advice is to deal with your thoughts and ideas.You cant combine incompatible things.Spend more time meditating and being alone to make important decisions. 2)This is a position I often see in feminists.They have a lot of thoughts about marriage and womens rights.They value equal marriage and relationships. 5)Their partner can be a careerist or just a successful person.Sometimes indicates a marriage at work. By the way, what could you say about this Moon and Sun? They can appear aloof and also quirky. 4)They are good at math,because they are very practical.For them convenience and quality are more important than luxury. Neptune in the 1st House indicates a woman, who is sentimental and extremely attached to her loved ones. Personality: chaotic, eccentric, innovative, sudden bursts of energy, usually fight for what they believe is right, detached but deep down empathetic, idealistic. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 1)They love children.They are good parents,teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology.Their children are often girls,with artistic talent and physical beauty. 1)Their work must be creative for career growth. On the positive side, those with Neptune here may be inspired visionaries who create trends and set directions within their chosen field. 12)They find it harder than all the other moon signs to compromise.They just dont really like to admit that they are wrong and dont win. 1)A person has problems with one of the parents who may have liked alcohol or illegal substances.Or he died early.Often,such people may still have a parent who is ill with something,who needed a lot of care. Your physical body and outward appearance. Neptune can bless you with a dreamy quality about your appearance. 3)This is a born analyst who logically approaches the solution of problems and tasks.Relies on the brain,not the heart,to make decisions.He is a practitioner all the knowledge that he receives in the process of life,immediately applies. #neptune in the 1st house on Tumblr 3)They should not rely on others.Not everyone works honestly and correctly.Also PLEASE respect yourself and dont help everyone. By interacting with it, you have learned the need to stand firmly on your own two feet, not depend on anyone, and this imprint has formed one of the basic attitudes to life that you will follow as an adult. These men are full of creativity that is reflected in their mind and body. 3)With bad aspects,a person could run away from home or leave it at an early age. 3)By nature,human is a very gentle,kind and merciful person.He has charisma and sex appeal. There is a tendency for uncertainty in spiritual affairs. -Their health may depend heavily on their lifestyle.Stretching and yoga will be especially useful for calming and warming up the muscles. 2)With bad aspects,a person can lead a debauched lifestyle and be frivolous. Jackson, Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley. They can be visionaries and are highly compassionate towards others. Neptune in 1st House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart -Emotional behavior,openness of feelings.Ready to fight back at any time. If Neptune is not well aspected this placement could show an individual suffering from lethargy, with indifference and even escapism on occasion. -Sometimes their mothers paid little attention to the future of their child(education or work). -As a rule,such people may feel sad and often cry,but it does not last long.If you see such a person in tears,just give them time to cool down and dont touch them.It is better not to save your feelings. 5)A person gets tired of communicating with people and periodically needs to be alone with himself to restore his energy level.I really recommend that you make a playlist for a bad mood,because you will cry and your emotions will be released.Your condition will improve and you may be inspired. Natal Neptune in the 1st house. 4)These people tend to learn yoga,meditation,and other practices.They like to learn new things about foreign cultures.They like to watch travel blogs. 4)You are very generous and can help your parents financially in the future.Financial well-being is very important. gemini x pisces = 5/10, cancer x cancer = 9/10 about people a lot, sometimes they have trouble showing it. Neptune in 1st House: How it Defines Your Personality and Life 3)The harmonious aspects of Jupiter will tell you about the easy and fast assimilation of educational material.The information you need to study will always be available to you.Others will provide such a person with good books. 3)The bad aspects of Jupiter make a person wasteful and frivolous.He needs to realize that you cant spend the last money on candy and that you need to earn only in an honest way. He is simply the host of the dead and the torubled souls. 8)People with an ascendant in Cancer are really trusted by strangers. 4)Very good position for astrologers,fortune tellers or psychics.Their work is often associated with something mystical or creative.They like detective stories and psychology. 3)Such people,as a rule,believe that collective work contributes to the spiritual growth and development of any person. scorpio x aquarius = 7/10 Your name, title, and any other unique words you (and others) use to identify you. and enlightenment, blessing the individual with an ability to foresee future with their beauty and politeness. 2)Rest really helps with most of their illnesses.Stress causes them to instantly lose their immunity. The First House in Astrology: Appearance and Behavior https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hand-picked-eggs. In the best-case scenario a Neptune in 1st House placement suggests a strong ability to intuit accurately where this can be extremely useful to others. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into other's people opinions and will dare to challenge other's ideas. 5)Air signs are most lucky in intellectual,research,and scientific activities.Fire signs are better to realize themselves in a profession that is associated with public activities or public performances.The main thing for Water and Earth signs is to show a creative streak,develop entrepreneurial inclinations,and the field of activity is not particularly important,they can achieve success in anything. 15)In addition,the good aspects indicate a straightforward and honest person.If the Moon in Scorpio feels lies at the level of intuition,then the Moon in Sagittarius is just picky about words,so dont lie to them,it is useless. This part represents the physical body, sphere of identity, approach to life, and personal outlook. producing an empathetic individual. 4)Good aspects indicate good friendships.Friends respect and appreciate a persons empathy and often ask for advice.Most likely,such a person has been friends for years and very rarely changes his environment. 4)I especially recommend that you sort out your childhood problems.Saturn requires you to understand his lessons,otherwise the severity and pain from them will be for the rest of your life. 4)Very often such people are very demanding in love. 2)They have a 100% very beautiful mother. Uranus in the 1st House: It Seems You're the Child Everyone at School 1st house; first impression, physical appearance and body, self, approach to thoughts and acts 2nd house; self-esteem, financies, approach to money, values 3rd house; all forms of communication (writing, talking etc.) 2)Tend not to open aggression,but to intrigue,always seek to repay the enemy and defeat him after a fight. though they want to have a hand on everything! Any natal Neptune Ascendant/1st house people here? : r/astrology - reddit 4)Often he spends his childhood in a poor family,and therefore in mature years he tries to hyper-compensate for this,making the accumulation of material values his only goal.They are not afraid of any work. When Neptune is in the first house in the natal chart, it can happen that it is located close to the ascendant. She can be quite artistic, creative and imaginative. Venus in the First House of Astrology (Explained) - Wisdom Tavern Vengeance though can become the main drive and that is when the person needs to be careful. 1)He always feels that he is being underestimated.Whatever such a person does,his merits dont become public.He has low self-esteem. 4)You can read peoples feelings,but you cant distinguish between friend and foe.Paradox. -Quite productive people, if they are comfortable at work/school.It is important for them to maintain good relations with colleagues and superiors. 5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner. 2)This arrangement indicates people who are talkative,it is useless to argue with them.They are skilled in mathematics,earn money through real estate,are interested in politics and say frankly what they think.They sing or have the ability to work on the radio. They just need to see through their eyes the world that surrounds them, feel someones pain from afar, or feel what he feels and think what he thinks. 4)Good aspects indicate a persons ability to communicate with colleagues.He has good business partners,has connections abroad and is constantly expanding his circle of acquaintances.Most likely,they were supported in their endeavors by their father or mother.Such a person becomes part of the team,often helps others(in a good way). However, if they do, Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it shows the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. Your right re: if planets in the 1st conjunct the rising sign, indeed one's physicality is more affected. 1)Such a person may have several educations,or he will not learn in his native language. What Do You Think is the Strangest Placement in the Astrological Chart? 16)You make the coolest gifts.You notice when a person looks at some thing in the store and buy it as a gift.It is very important for you that your loved ones are happy and have comfort. 2)Negative aspects indicate high self-esteem and lack of seriousness. 3)Bad aspects indicate a weak immune system.A person can catch a cold from a light breeze.It is necessary to monitor the level of vitamins and water levels in the body. 2)Most likely they will be successful after 30 years(due to the influence of Saturn,aka the 10th house). 2)The weak position of the planet provokes intrigues and intrigues of colleagues and strained relations with the boss,and in a strong position,the sharpened intuition of the native will help to get away with it. 2)He will make a very good teacher.Not only does he have a broad outlook,but he is also very respectful of other peoples opinions.He is not stubborn and likes to constantly learn and develop. fatal accident crown point. Neptune in 1st house- Neptune rules illusions in astrology. A life that is ruled by Neptune in the first house engenders a vulnerable character. 2)They rarely change their place of work,they are more comfortable when everything around them is familiar. As Neptune in the 1st House aspect in synastry can imply one partner wanting to adopt a more philosophical or spiritually inclined approach. 4)They are very friendly and compassionate.They can be the people to talk to and cry to. sports media jobs new york city; neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 5)Bad aspects indicate difficulties in communicating with a partner.A person experiences many feelings and thoughts and cant understand them.The partner tries to understand them,but cant.There is an understatement and misunderstanding. 2)Your siblings may indeed have the opposite sign to yours,or you may have a single ruling planet. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to practice and teach good manners and bring harmony into relationships. 2)If he is passionate about something,he strives to bring it to the end and get a concrete result. leo x libra = 10/10 They can also be alone for long periods of time, cancer x sagittarius = 6/10 The eyes of the boar seem to stare at whoever is walking by. You're in touch with many energies that other people tend to miss. Neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr 4)It is easy for this person to adapt to any place and society(but look at Mercury)Religion,culture,and philosophical generalizations will attract people,and they will want to master them.They will probably insert foreign words or quotes from various authors into their speech. by others, because the essence of who they are is constantly projected outwards Since the 1st edition of this book was published in 1991, it has been a widely used reference book for many astrologers and their students who have recognized the value and importance in horoscope interpretation of the midpoints--the Its this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry to the world. 2)Falling in love with an unattainable object a movie actor,a singer,an inaccessible beauty,for example,the one in the mirror:). 7)Something about their appearance stands out very much and is great.Very often they have a round face or plump lips. 10 Jun. He is a former member of the Branwen Tribe as well as a former teacher at Signal Academy. 5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science. Something significant may have had appeared in their childhood which caused the child to grow too soon and as an adult now the child within is suppressed down to the subconscious. 5)They value honesty and realism.They dont like to think much about philosophical things. . 4)They relax through privacy.During this time,you can draw,meditate,or watch a movie. 2)Such a person most often faces shocking situations in his life.Unlike ordinary people,he knows what to do and how to behave in difficult situations. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, deception, spirituality, and compassion. 1)Friendly and pleasant to communicate with.Very good position for managers.They know how to get acquainted and avoid conflicts. 3)Big money can come to them in an unusual or unexpected way.And also mysteriously disappear. Neptune in the first house is a difficult placement for this planet. * the closer to your ascendant, the more potent any 1st house planet's energy will be. 12)Sun Pisces love to sleep,and sleep loves them:). 1)A great owner,think carefully and weigh your options before you get an animal at home. If you have Neptune in this house, you are probably very imaginative, sensitive, and creative. Well, this house is analog to the powerful and very straightforward Aries.. 5)Good aspects indicate a friendly and calm person.He is prone to optimism and he controls his feelings(or rather knows how to deal with them). 3)Such people dont tolerate haste and fuss around them.They are very calm. 11)I noticed that for such people,mother paid much,much more attention to their upbringing than father. by ; June 22, 2022 1)A very strong and brave person.He can be quick-tempered,but due to his perseverance and strong character,he wins competitions and is a good opponent. First house; - Glassy Star A deep thinker, he will always be found wrapped up in philosophical thoughts. 3)The 9th house indicates education and most likely you prefer something unusual and beautiful.For example,philosophy,history,architecture,politics,or foreign languages. The Neptune in 1st House woman has a refined, creative and artistic nature with a tendency toward the mystical. limits for the 1st houses flaming instincts. Scorpio's still, deep waters full of mystery, a whole other world, spectrum, realm in duality with the physical realm, Taurus, fixed earth. 4)Negative aspects indicate problems with flirting.It is difficult for a person to get acquainted and take the first step in a relationship. 3)The sixth house is responsible for pets,so most likely you are a good host,you can often walk with them or teach new abilities.Even cats near you become calmer and more well-mannered. 4)He will try to create the most comfortable living conditions for his family.It is important for him to feel stability and be confident in the future. 10)Good imagination.They are quite inventive and creative.They can do some bullshit out of pure curiosity lol.They may have a lot of hobbies.Their attention is difficult to hold,so they can easily leave them. 2)You have an optimistic outlook on life,and you give the impression of being cheerful,confident.You can cry at night,but try to do something again during the day.You are very strong personalities! gemini x capricorn = 6/10 They do not get caught up in gossip and do their own thing. 1)Hardworking and very fond of money.They like to build a successful and long-term career. They will not take revenge, chill. 9)Mother could be the head of the family.Others may think that they have a perfect relationship with her,but with bad aspects,everything turns out to be the opposite. 2)He is a good parent(but you need to look at the aspects),he teaches children discipline and accuracy and gives advice for the future. Perhaps the desire to be touched by mystery or unseen forces has always attracted you toward religion or metaphysics. signs ruled by 1st house planets can easily alter their expression. 15)When strong,the position of Mars indicates a person who will succeed in a career.They love statuses and like to work hard for them. I often find that with some things, the two intertwine into some incomprehensible mush of scorpio & capricorn, while sometimes they are so different that there is conflict, Oh,thats very nice.I am glad that there are people with the same placements (). astrology . Neptune in The First House: 7 Key Things to Know About Yourself are bojangles and popeyes owned by the same company; soap note for tinea pedis; positive and negative feedback in menstrual cycle; chicago hells angels clubhouse bombing 1. 1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesnt like it,hell redo it. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr -I forgot to say that maybe their mother was a cook(or did a lot of cooking at home)or she sang well.They were often visited by relatives. 1)They are prone to reckless spending,they can spend their entire salary on a certain thing that they literally fell in love"with. 1)An unpleasant position,there is a possibility of a toxic or aggressive partner.Their partner can be a little brash,rude,or rebellious.On the other hand,it often indicates a partner with a lot of energy and plans.He is stubborn and always achieves his goals. -They should protect their heads from bumps and accidents,show up at the dentist on time and dont forget to control intracranial pressure.
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