The worst part was that he knows he's not done. The one where Wade notices that Spider-Man has been acting weirder and weirder, and the more he looks into it, the more he realizes that his not-so-normal partner in crime(fighting) is a lot stranger than he thought. Spider-Man was an allusive person to get hold of, only appearing for the big fights when needed, and only helping 'the little guy'- as he put it. The Avengers vs The Peter Factor - Archive of Our Own I'm an orphan again (Spider-Man fanfic), The Avengers (Marvel movies)-all media types, Spider-man Homecoming (Tom Holland movies), Peter Parker is a sweet innocent angel who deserves all the love and attention in the world, Quiero que sepas que nunca voy a dejarte (porque soy la Sra.Stark), James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, I Needed the BATHROOM but I'll take the job, Peter has had his powers for several years now, Idea that was based on a fanfic, Tony is the first one who initiates the kiss kiss with petey, You get more Andrew Spidey sassTM than Tom Holland sass, They're actually kinda creepy with how possesive they are, He's a bit of a douche to start but he's my fav character so he doesn't stay that way for long, Characters are from different tv shows/movies/comics, Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, tbh the avengers are actually pretty sweet, ig i really wanted people to know that this isn't a platonic relationship thing, Clint Barton/Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), avengers are awful but they're not murderers, peter parker/bucky barnes/sam wilson/steve rogers, Heaven Is In The Red Fog (Gee Thanks Thanos! Peter Parker & The Avengers Chapter 1: Meeting, an avengers fanfic 12. I would absolutely love that Mr Stark. If you can Miss FRIDAY. Are you Spider or Man? Unreliable Narrator. He knows he has creeped out or scared just about everyone including Mr.Stark at one time or another with his spider-like behavior. Avengers Team/Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own but [y/n] wakes up to find that she doesn't have a red string----instead, she has a spider-web. Happy? But as they were leaving the Empire State Building that night, holding each other and laughing and talking, that's when they discovered that even the spiders themselves seemed to be able to spot Andrew Garfield walking down the street and want to greet him. left kudos on this work! He honestly doesn't know if he could handle it if one of them teased him about feeling the need to walk on the ceiling or his occasional late night confusion with gravity. Well Tones, Im off, Rhodey said fondly. Rhodey smiles at him from across the room. Does he need some tech or something? Tony asked. The two broke apart to the sounds of Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers waving noise makers and beeping in celebration. This Fan-Fiction is a Crossover between the X-Men, MCU and the Marvel Comics. Does anyone have any good Spider-Man fanfics or time travel avengers When the last bell rang Peter bolted out of the room faster than he probably should have practically barrelling into the backseat of the SUV. He was still irritated though at his AI's need to over ride him for his health. Peter could hear a slight waver at the joke. Dum-E let out a serious of excited chirps before Happy arrived at the lab. Dum-E let out a soft, dejected sound and Peter instantly started cooing at him. Once he had, Dum-E bopped him on the forehead gently. You're really not trying to sell me on this whole adoption thing are you. He ordered FRI to take him to his floor while his fingers ghosted over the phone before finally opening a message to Peter. The elevator was already opened before Peter got to it and he sniffled a murmured Thanks to Friday. I felt it was best not wake you since you did not sleep well and Mr. Stark agreed.". Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 12, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover He is a dad. He had already almost caused just about everyone a heart attack at some point by walking in the kitchen half wake upside down. This is going to be a fun build, Tony said once the scenes had finished. The Avengers vs The Peter Factor midnightwolf2192 Summary: No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. Happy looked over at his friend and shook his head. Tony Stark 712 guests Mr. Stark had already promised him the night to himself after a long and stressful week. It had pained him to not be able to be at his home there for the last week and a half while the Avengers settled in after their recent pardoning. One day, I have no doubt that you will be MY boss. After moving out to live with his old mentor in the Avengers Compound, he stumbles into his childhood heroes (as well as teenage enemies) having sex on the couch. It also had shelves to display his legos and store other belongings. Also Model Peter cause hes attractive. I'm going to start writing new chapters. Nah. The Accepting Spider-Dad! Peter is trying to keep his Spider-Man job a secret and he needs to get a job. It was also annoying because Peter was hurting and sleepy and he had school tomorrow and he somehow had to figure out an excuse to explain his sorry state to his Aunt before morning. He was part creepy arachnid. Deadpool was following him, which was annoying, because he never seemed to have any problems getting over a fight, even when it was about a fundamental belief system. His tone reminded Tony of how people talk to either pets or children. Hey Mr Stark, Peter said excitedly. But as they worked, Tony was beginning to see Peter as a permanent fixture in his lab and life. 23. sculpted_sapphires, ctruth7539, Alice_AAS, Al1v3p00l, DragonPlusWolf, TheNightsSun, KuckooKat, Starprincess426, Emilka989, Sirperin, GalaxiaDraconican, Deku3657, Rubi131313, SilverSceptre, lilwolfboi, PeggingLesbianMothman, Hewwo_meme, Icryinfam, 21RNMortis66, Who_cares000, IaconArchivist, ThisIsEmma, Kabaneri, Dont_be_Gay_Now, Lollie0024, Godmeow24, kuroxmahiru2641, SketchWitch333, Larimart, SilverVenom, TimidErica, ValentinaCano131, PandorasBox43, RenaFujoshi, PeskyImmortals, InnanaZoa, Damian_Luther_Morningstar, LunaPhantom559, Deanial_losechester, parkpeterson, Waffle_house33, Moon_Godess_Celtic, oEmpty_Spaceo, Agustina__01, fruition_lmao, Prince_Shinx, HoardingVulture, Halpalumps, potatoheads25, R3dt4b, and 791 more users Clint really hoped that wasn't the mystery spider addition to their humble abode. Sure Tony knew what it was like to have people you didn't know have a bunch of information about you and your private life but, this was different. Unfortunately for Peter this only further complicates his already complicated and weird life. He let him cry and held him when he needed it but didn't want to be a bother. 5 Times Peter Impresses the Avengers - The Lokison Writer - Wattpad It can be expensive to produce. I thought Id have to drag you up here, Rhodey said as he sat the Chinese food, hed brought down on the coffee table. Interlude 3 I want to see what amazing things you are going to do with that brain of yours. Rhodey and Happy had level 11. It would just get in his head. Play fake prisoner of course! The Pinky Promise He turned the coffee pot on and asked FRIDAY to put a movie on as background noise. Thankfully a couple of super soldiers have their very own enhanced boyfriend to help take care of those needs without having to wait to get back to the Tower after a battle. He sniffled "but you're not getting out of it that easy!". Peter sighed for the umpteenth time, his arm on his face as he lamented his life. His face was sunken, and his usually immaculately groomed face was shaggy. Peter started flipping and climbing quickly and haphazardly though his room as his thoughts spiraled out of control. Spiderman would be useful in the fight against Cap and his team. Ill try whatever smoothie you make me; I promise.. A Change in Chemistry. Read Avengers Fanfiction Stories - Webnovel (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart) 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber (JL crossover) 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp 12: Spider-Suit. Peter watched the hands of the clock move like molasses in winter time as he waited to finally be free. He smirked. Maybe you could invite him over to the Tower.. Peter cant shake the feeling that the Avengers are keeping something from him. Peter was a living bundle of jumpy nerves by the time they made it to the Compound and to Tony Stark's workshop. Work Search: Yeah but dont drink anything Dum-E gives you. Its Tony. And kid, Im really looking forward to this.. His 3 story high ceiling had the night sky painted on it that he could enjoy from the branch-like rafters that were as wide as a twin size bed near the top. It was hard to fall asleep last night knowing all the Avengers are going to get my life story and then I'm going to have to meet them later. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Once his face was freshly groomed, Tony walked down to his lab. Sam almost didn't believe him later when he told him a kid named Peter bounded into the compound like it was black friday and they were a super store with flat screens. 27. What kid? I can't say for certain when updates will be but I will try to be consistent.More tags will be added as chapters are written. ), Boy Juice is another word for testosterone, The avengers are in this but they're secondary characters, trans characters w diff transition experiences, Peter Parker/Sam Wilson/James Bucky Barnes, can i tag pet play if peter wears cat ears once. "Webs, check. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. Happy wanted to deck anyone who had ever made Tony feel like his worth was based on what he could give them. 5994 guests Peter was always moving, tapping his hand, his foot, shifting his weight as he stands. The Great Meet She knew better than most what children are capable of and the thought of Stark using a child in a war sickens her. Peter laughed. His power is a wing suit, but it's the media who stick him with the name Vulture. He opened the little door and crawled inside. A chance to do it all over again. 17. Characters, events and timelines will be mixed to create the world the MC finds himself in after his abrupt transmigration. He hadnt even realised how fast time was moving. Peter Parker wanted to live like normal. 25. His face felt hot just thinking about them reviewing his medical records. He had spent the whole day eagerly anticipating Peters arrival. Peter is the Animal Abilities variant, having gained spider-like powers from a spider bite. My first ever Ao3 fic, I hope it's good and everyone likes it :). With the help of Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales, he has to find a way to get back home if he even has anything to go back to. But, he'd gotten better around Mr. Stark so hopefully if he didn't embarrass himself too much, or worse Mr. Stark did, he could get used to them and they could grow to like him. He's also a Potts, so he tends to get uncomfortable when things don't go as planned. Then Deadpool and a half-eaten chimichanga show up, and the rest is history. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it. First published Mar 04, 2021. Peter often fell asleep up there even though his real bed was in one of the lowest nooks. MCU sprinkles as I like to call them. Dum-E rolled over with Peters backpack between his claw and when Peter took it from him, Dum-E lifted its arm and patted Peter on the head. I should probably get going. This is the thanks I get for allowing my protege a little extra shut eye. He programmed Peters number and email into the phone and saved the details. That is the question in Peter Parker's mind since becoming spider-man and the changes within himself and the changes to come. Avengers Oc Fanfiction Stories - Quotev His friend genuinely thought that people only wanted him for what he could give them. He only used his own when practicing rather than crime fighting. Stark better not have brought a kid into this fight. The newly pardoned Rogue Avengers are moving back into the compound. Spiderman had to be at least 20. 2. Pepper After a few mind numbing episodes and 3 bags of doritos Peter clicked off the TV allowing his mind to wonder. "Oh this should be fun. Before Peter was bit a second time he had to make his own webbing. "No, you just wanted to get out of a bone crushing hug." Bruce and Cho had agreed it would be best for his health to use them on the daily but, they wouldn't develop their full strength for a long while. The next afternoon, Tony was actually excited to have someone in his space. Just as Dum-E and U were putting the final things away, there was a knock at the lab door. 5. Happy gave me your number. Rumors are one thing. Is there a common denominator to the problem? The Banning of the "F" Word Whats this?, This is a holo-table, Tony said. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. It's a balance, you see, and unfortunately for Peter, he's not so good at balancing. Thats Dum-E. Hes the first bot I ever made, Tony said proudly. Weve got a visitor coming today and he shouldnt have to deal with our mess.. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. Probably why I get so many damn messages from him, Happy said, borderline fondly. Your turn., But Happy! Tony attempted to protest, and the other man simply glared. That should scare anyone away from classified secrets. Turning, a wide smile crossed Tonys face as Peter waved animatedly and Happy smirked. Ever since his spinnerets started developing his urges to climb and spin webs tripled. Low blow. ", "Tony, kid. Coincidences are another. ", Peter couldn't help but let a huge grin cross his face as he made his way to the kitchen to make brunch. Soulmates are put together in a red fog after Thanos's snap. He also knew he could also always have his glorious room that none of the other avengers could get to all to himself. 28. We work on him together. Aunt May will be wondering where I am, Peter said although he shot a dejected look at the pieces of bot that littered the bench. The parades, parties, drunken crowds, the accidents that happen, and the not-so-accidents that people aim to get away with, and the sheer costumes alone make it an eventful night for any first responder. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. The sting didn't kill him, it only hurt, but it was in the next few hours that he and Emma began to discover what it really did to him. Friday called. Three days before the breaking of the Avengers begins. Peter turned back to face Tony, but Dum-E caught his gaze when he let out a soft chirp. Please for give me.I will do my best to up date. 9. We encourage Tony to work with Peter, maybe make him a proper intern or something. Ill just be the second favourite, Peter replied, and Tony laughed. (Update schedule is anywhere between one day and three weeks. 11. Cant have the kid thinking Im a mess, Tony said absentmindedly. Peter is starting his freshman year at Columbia University. He is a dad to the most brilliant, most awesome kind kid in the world. His floor had a mini fridge and cabinet to keep his snacks in and a couch and entertainment center. When Tony finds a strange, spidery experiment locked underground in a Hydra facility, he takes it upon himself to try rehabilitating a teenager who knows nothing about the outside world. 14. Thats alright. "Yes welcome to the family." Ive got something to float past you T.S. Peter turned away from his work and smiled at the older man. It's not like his whole record, just the mission relevant stuff like, the list of restricted things that might become hazardous to him or the change in his blood that was causing him to slowly lose his ability to thermoregulate, but it was still cringey. It was like an itch he had to scratch. The Avengers Dealing With A Spider Teen - Archive of Our Own Alternatively: How would Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be different if MCU Peter was pulled in? He doesn't know why Wolverine seems to have a newfound respect for him either. You dont mean too. Field Trip Part 2 Interlude 4 He was burying himself in work, anything to keep him occupied and away from the common areas where the others would occupy. Oh God! Listen close kid. The gang has made bets on who you are and whether or not all your powers come from the suit. Ill send Happy to pick you up. And thats what makes you perfect.. OrenjiiPH said I shouldn't write her a birthday fic. Hes like an overexcited puppy. Hey Mr Stark. T'Challa No. Great. "Of course I was going to propose it. Rhodey gave his friend one final squeeze before saying his goodbyes. So, tell me about BB-8. Peter's face hurt smiling. He saved quite a bit of money in the winter, though. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (132), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (56), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (21), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (29), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (132), Wade Wilson's Guide to Studying Your Spider, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, tone wildly oscillates from heavy angst to feel-good to absolute crack, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Miles Morales & Original Female Character(s), Miles Morales & Original Male Character(s), Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s), Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Alternate Universe - Underswap (Undertale), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Happy Hogan & May Parker & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Spoilers for Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Steven Grant & Jake Lockley & Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Marc Spector, Flabbergasted that no one has made any demiaro frank smh, my background noise for this was some dingusus playin games, but they're queer and we can appreciate that, Wade Wilson Knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, at certain points also I love the fact that's a tag, Rated M for non explicit/fade to black sexual content, I did way too much research on spiders and their mating habits for this fic, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker's Love Language is Acts of Service, Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Sam Alexander & Ava Ayala & Luke Cage & Danny Rand, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Eleanor Camacho & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Wade wilson doesnt know peter parker is spider-man, Peter parker and Mary Jane are best friends, As scientifically accurate as fictionally possible.
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