they aren't actually looking for an answer. Those who choose to study and observe people can take two approaches to in recording ethnographies; a subject orientated perspective or an outsiders perspective. But while these American traditions might seem normal stateside, they are certainly not universal. Now, I am not saying that America doesnt have its own cultural cues and certain ways that we act that makes us unique. Cultural relativism is not the same as moral relativism, however. I encourage others to take a step outside, in any situation, to see the broader view of things because what you find may surprise you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From our portions to our PTO, here's where we differ from the rest of the world. Using an etic perspective, we can gain an outsiders view on our cultural practices that we deem "normal" in comparison to other cultures. By adding some whipped cream and a cinnamon stick, a regular cup of warm chocolate powder in milk becomes more like a dessert. To begin, Ill stick with the positives. - Liu Xiaodan, 30, hotel manager, Beijing, "America is a country that produces a massive amount of cultural output such as Hollywood movies, music and many other (forms of) entertainment." Lawrence Wetsit misses the days when his people would gather by the hundreds and . teach well, it matters. Why go Tall when a Venti is just a dollar more? - Summer Abu Ltaif, outside the American University of Beirut, "I think everyone is very tolerant there, in a way that there are all kinds of people, whether from different ethnicities, different countries, different religions. The Reddit user NoDownvotesPlease said: "That was the weirdest one for me. You might have been counting down the days until spring, but make the most of these chilly and cloudy days. Mehta, 34, health insurance worker, New Delhi, "America is a land of opportunities. Though this can vary a bit by regionwe're looking at you, New Yorkersin general, Americans are much quicker than the average foreigner to smile at a stranger and offer a warm hello, even if they're just passing each other on the sidewalk. An outsider can clearly observe behavior but they cannot understand it while conversely an American would not be able to observe an attitude but they would be able to understand the . Saysthingsfromabush, In Scotland our equivalents are ceilidhs and in school you just go and f***ing dance. And after 9/11, the world grieved with America. Begin by listening to the podcast "Bears, Birds and Bones As is tradition. I don't understand why other cultures are all so primitive. Do people of different nationalities and tongues think of our star spangled flag and hyper-patriotism? There are two gangs in this novel, the "greasers", and the "Socs". But one thing for sure, they cannot make beer." Sometimes we are even better than them . For a country that's the center of the global economy, America's currency is pretty dull. Independence. Innovation is widely viewed as an engine of progress not only for driving economic growth, but also for bringing vital improvements in a variety of domains, from science and medicine to inequality and sustainability. American Culture: The Outsider's Perspective. Works Cited. Eggs are a universal delicacy, but outside of the U.S., they are seldom stored in the fridge. The ones immediately outside their house are apparently not fit. Individualism vs. Collectivism. Not only did the geography of precontact America persist, but both the new arrivals and the indigenous inhabitants long retained their respective general characteristics, and it was the fit between . Figure 1.6. In S.E. Oh, and side note, the customer service in America is seen as amazing. In America, on the other hand, taking time off is often treated like a sin. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider While we do have some American comfort food, especially here in the South, what is there that we created ourselves? Things That Are Normal in the US but Are Weird Everywhere Else - Insider As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. 33 "Normal" Things in the U.S. That Freak Everyone Else Out - Best Life -- Countsblink, Made Mac n cheese for my aussie cousins. - Men Xuezhi, 54, doctor, Beijing, "I don't like American guys who always pursue their own personal interests. How big the country is and the amount of time you guys are willing to drive. While New York City famouslynever sleeps, it's not the only city with 24-hour businesses. Marketing companies that work from outside of your company bring a fresh perspective that doesn't exist from within your company. These are the kind of zoomed-out, big-picture stories that result from asking the most basic questions and that in other newsrooms might be killed because they are too obvious, or have been done 1,000 times, or dont have a new angle. They are the kind of stories that result from sending reporters out to ask the biggest unresolved questions about their own society from making them think, in short, like a foreign correspondent freshly returned to a now-unfamiliar home. Remembering that practices are driven by the culture someone is situated in, including our very own practices, is key to avoiding ethnocentrism the mistaken belief that your culture is the standard by which others should be compared. After all, isn't coffee meant to be enjoyed in a ceramic cup over conversation at a leisurely pace? You see, I even have two iPhones." 20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy. The collector's view of the artifacts as pieces of art is a product of his own cultural background and does not take into account the cultural relativity of the artifacts. Countries whose intellectuals have long protested the Wests tendency toward Orientalism in its presentation of foreigners now have an opportunity to engage in a bit of Occidentalism.. Al Jazeera America has brought this approach to Chicagos violence, actually arranging a sit-down interview with working gang leaders, openly discussing their drugs, guns and ways. Through this exercise, students hopefully see both their own and other cultures in a new light one that understands how we are all so embedded in a culture that it is difficult not to see dramatically different rituals as exotic or weird. Ethnocentrism is the process of judging another culture exclusively from the perspective of one's own. Extra-Large Food Portions. In the Final Research Paper, you will examine your own culture from an etic (outsider's) perspective and another culture from an emic (insider's) perspective to demonstrate your understanding of cultural relativism and examine misconceptions and ethnocentric beliefs concerning each of these cultures. How big the country is and the amount of time you guys are willing to drive. Some even sell fresh fruit and prepackaged mealsbut if you're visiting the States from another country, we recommend getting your sushi elsewhere. Mix it up using almond or coconut milk. In this book, American culture refers to pattern and behavior of the mainstream. And they are a people that like having a lot of fun and their brands: McDonald's, all of that, makes the American identity or North American we call them North Americans rather than Americans, because we all are Americans." The culture of the United States includes traditions, regional customs, institutions, art and so much more. Curious about which things are considered freaky by foreigners' standards? What may feel totally normal to Americans is often far from it for outsiders. There's the American way and then there's everybody else. We like to eat when we like to eatand if that means going to Denny's at 3 a.m., so be it. A thread on Reddit asks the question: Non-Americans of reddit, what aspect of American culture strikes you as the strangest? Foreigners are constantly baffled by the volume of stuff Americans seem to think they need, and superstores are a perfect encapsulation of this strange sentiment. Their approach is different from ours we do it because we care about others, they do it because they get tips they were raised that way." What is Ethnocentrism? Americans are unusually casual about handing over their credit cards in a way that tends to freak foreigners out. In most other countries, however, an A/C unit is used sparingly, if at all. PDF The "Outsider/Insider" Assignment: A Pedagogical Innovation for Chapter 2. Attitudes Toward American Culture and Ideas Collectivist cultures are usually contrasted with individualistic cultures. used by the People to entertain and amuse themselves.". Upon graduating secondary school, many Americans choose colleges and universities outside of and often far from their hometowns. We love having lots of options in America, but sometimes for an outsider, ordering food can feel like a multiple-choice quiz. In American-Indian culture, silence is valued as sacred. Hinton's young adult novel The Outsiders, stereotyping is a significant issue. Writing cultures: insider vs. outsider - Aliette de Bodard But, besides the Willy Wonka level of sugar, we use a substantial amount of cheese in everything. Therapists say it can damage your connection. Yes, we Americans admittedly like to go big or go homeand when foreigners come to visit, this is a concept that they quickly notice. The United States of America serves as the global symbol of 'madness' and 'non-stop chaos' in the best and worst ways possible. The novelty here has at least two dimensions. For inquiring minds, think of our food. Finding creative ways to fry things that probably shouldn't be fried is an American specialty and something that definitely confuses tourists. - Christopher Darroch, 39, actor, Toronto, "Capitalism. is part of the Meredith Health Group, Saying "how are you?" cultural frames of reference" and "learn to step outside of their own thinking in order to examine it and also to acknowledge others' thinking" (pp. However, often is not noticed or realized how extreme some people are willing to go to conform to the expected norm of American society, until one looks at the demands that society places upon us from the outsider's perspective of American culture. Americans are, apparently, much friendlier than most people around the world. Red Solo Cups are the symbol of college keggers and backyard barbecues alikeand yet, they're rarely seen outside of the U.S. At Slate, Seth Stevenson gave a good explanation of the appeal of the plastic cup: Its opaque color makes it impossible for authorities to casually tell what's in the cup; its sturdy design makes it virtually spill-proof; and its newly created square bottom makes it easy to hold. It was reported to me that the ritual consists of inserting a small bundle of hog hairs into the mouth, along with certain magical powders, and then moving the bundle in a highly formalized series of gestures., Now without the photo below (but maybe skewed by the photo above) and in the context of the rest of the paper, many students do not recognize this as our daily habit of brushing our teeth. Your email address will not be published. Instead, it's meant as a simple greeting, similar to "Hi there!" Many of the novel's characters, whether they were labeled as Socials (Socs) or greasers . They rip up all of the paper covering the boxes, and leave a mess on the floor. Another oddity of American advertising are those spots you see for prescription medication during every commercial break. If you're a member of B, then .'POST', '', true); Please enter valid email address to continue. You have your hot chocolate made, playlist downloaded, movie set and books chosen. But there is an ideology that unites them all." It has been seen as the land of plenty, freedom and equality where Indian migrants could head behemoths like Google, Microsoft and Pepsi, and a South African could capture the imagination with an electric car. We're desensitizing the wrong thing. . It is a great country and would love to live there. Native Americans' Most Important Traditions and Beliefs - Reader's Digest The etic perspective is data gathering by outsiders that yield questions posed by outsiders. - Ksenia Smertova, 21, student, Moscow, "America? Sometimes it doesnt fit very easily through the entrance to their house, and many members of the family have to help get the tree through the doorway. Cheese is life people. Whether it be through something small or something quite significant, it's a . Few embrace the spread of American culture in the predominantly Muslim nations surveyed, although many Lebanese (41%) do want American ideas and customs. fawkesandthehound. Don't get me wrong, dental hygiene is important, but not everyone needs a perfect Hollywood smile. Here are some of the best: 1. I'm sure you have left over hot chocolate from November and December, so it's time to finish them off. In a Reddit thread asking the weirdest things Americans do, many users discussed how strange they thought it was that the US advertised prescription drugs. Understanding Our Perceptions of Asian Americans This termas well as terms used in the United States such as "Native American" and "American Indian"refers to hundreds of culturally diverse groups who inhabited the Americas before Europeans settled there. First, I began pondering this when I couldnt really think of anything distinctly American. The greasers live on the east side and are known as "hoods". Boy was I wrong. All Rights Reserved. When described the way the Miner does, it sounds strange and maybe even a bit gross. It is more cozy (laughing), less restrictive (made drinking gesture)." By looking at our own cultures as outsiders we can see that we are under the same influence of the power of culture as others are. An odd ritual occurs the night right before Christmas: children hang socks above a structure that houses a fire although they look far too large to be anyones sock. Starting off your day this way could increase your odds of cognitive decline. And in the opinions that came back, some clear threads emerge, anecdotal yet illuminating. The fish fry, a long-established Friday staple during Lent, is roaring back from COVID with an assist from something decidedly newfangled: an interactive map built by local volunteer coders that points the way to scores of churches, fire halls and other places that offer battered and breaded seafood for the taking. 600 Words3 Pages. Insider and Outsider Perspective in Ethnographic Research They just like speaking their mind, which is a reason that I don't feel quite comfortable going around with Americans." Flashnewb, many Chinese people do not understand how America can function so "well" since the people here are all so different. PDF Thematic Unit: Outsiders - CommonLit But when Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based television empire that has long broadcast to . D. When Asian Americans speak about their experiences as minorities, they help younger generations feel comfortable in Concept of building up the courage to ask someone to a ceilidh is simply ridiculous. the United States, along with further themes such as African-American culture, racism, religion, slavery, a sense of home,[5] segregation, migration, feminism, and more. when we mean "hello", Carding people who are obviously not under 21, Shopping at pharmacies that are mini shopping malls, And prescription drug makers that advertise, Pronouncing the last letter of the alphabet as "zee". To examine these facts other cultures are taken into consideration to accurately without prejudices towards African Americans. Evidently, we're a very trusting sort. 2 - A Chinese Golden Lily Foot by Lai Afong, c1870s. Cultural relativism is the idea that the beliefs and practices of a culture should be understood within the context of that particular culture's background, history, and current events surrounding it. 2022 Galvanized Media. 1.2: Anthropological Perspectives - Social Sci LibreTexts In some of my classes, as part of a paper exploring the concepts and influenceof culture, I ask students to explore a ritual within their own culture but from an outsiders view as if they were witnessing the practice for the first time and trying to understand it. This weird American habit leaves many foreign visitors asking, "How much water could you possibly need over the course of an hour or two?". The Outsiders was actually published when the author was only 17 years old. Okay, so besides us Americans in general, what about the other stuff, like our food, drink and entertainment? Then they leave hard biscuits shaped like men and a cup of milk out next to the tree. Read more, CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, The daily body ritual performed by everyone includes a mouth-rite. Americanah: American Culture from an "Outsider" 1) Outside Marketing Firms Bring Fresh Thinking. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { One of the hardest (or at least most expensive) things about being an outsider traveling in the United States is tipping. How Americans are perceived by the rest of the world They cannot generate these results, because they are based on, and restricted by, the ethnocentric perspective. That's because, in America, we put our eggs through a rigorous washing process (which actually isn't even necessary) that removes the egg's protective layer, so harmful bacteria can get in if we don't refrigerate the eggs. Some of the answers are pretty hilarious and/or eye-opening. It's cars. The particular Skittles flavor we call "grape" is an American curiosity of its own, but for those in the United Kingdom and Australia, this flavor doesn't even exist. "Here in New Zealand, lemonade generally equals . 15 Unique Aspects of American Culture. - Gennelyn Escopete, 33, DVD street vendor, Manila, Philippines, "Probably capitalism, but I see it more as freedom that every person can do what he wants, when he wants - true freedom, but it costs a lot I think, and sometimes it brings you lower than takes you higher." In many instances, the name of a coin will tell you something about how much it's worth. Burgers, the American dream, choppers, Elvis, cowboys. It's pretty infuriating to live somewhere where something as natural and beautiful as the human body is viewed as taboo and "corrupts" our youth, but a guy getting his head cut off or getting beaten to death is perfectly okay for kids to watch. They have to lift it up and tie it to the top of their vehicle, and then drive very slowly so the tree will not fall off the car. Go to many other countries and the smallest differences in culture, language, and background will almost automatically cause some major issues. Despite the fact that these people are so punctilious, about care of the mouth, this rite involves a practice which strikes the uninitiated stranger as revolting. DESCRIBE THE COUNTRY AS YOU SEE IT: "The first word that comes to mind when I hear the word America is 'Arrogance.' It's not good." Americans can come across as self-interested, aggressive and rude to some outsiders. While every region of the United States has its own quirks and identity, there are also certain customs that are commonplace nationwide. I came to realize how many things are truly American and what makes us great people of a great nation. Contents. Jeroen Seynhaeve / View all { 18 } / Vertaal naar Nederlands Traditional ways of evaluating cultures, and managing value clashes between these cultures, fail to generate desired results. Build a pillow fort on your bed in any clear space using four chairs, an abundance of blankets and all the pillows you can find. In most other countries, you take the time to at least park the car and walk through the front doors of the place you're patronizingnot in America, though! America stands out because people recognize merit out there." Fair enough! But when Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based television empire that has long broadcast to viewers around the world in Arabic and English, announced plans to start a U.S. news channel, it ignited a wildfire of controversy. First off, there are a variety of flavors, from White Chocolate, Pumpkin Spice, Mint, Caramel and the list goes on. She was a happy person, better than my Chinese roommate there were three of us in the room. Driving everywhere. It's not uncommon to chat up a stranger while waiting on line or traveling on public transportation. AMS 111: American Culture, Values and Traditions: American Outsiders Section D301 T-Th., 12:30-1:45, Carman Hall, Room 233 Instructor: Kathleen Brennan, Office hours: Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30, Room 292 Google Documents: Sign In: Password: Carman233 This course is designed to investigate issues of American citizenship . Here is a link to start: to an external site. For example, Miner writes The daily body ritual performed by everyone includes a mouth-rite. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Still, and after more than a decade following the publication by Headland, Pike and Harris (1990), discussions about insider versus outsider status of the researcher remain alive and relevant. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); - Ingerlise Kristensen, 68, retired bank employee, Copenhagen, Denmark, "I had a roommate a Californian, when I was in Korea as a college exchange student. While many Americans feel their nation is divided as never before, a sampling of the rest of the world reflects a more charitable view. Why Outside Perspectives Are Critical for Innovation Breakthroughs [email protected] +44 0330 027 0207 or +1 (818) 532-6908 . I hate to put even more pressure on . [], Your email address will not be published. Americans are nothing if not by the book about the little things, so most foreigners quickly learn that it's wise to keep some form of ID on them at all times if they plan on having a drink. The difference is one of cultural ownership and general acknowledgement, of giving credit where it's dueespecially when credit is long overdue to a historically oppressed people. An etic view of a culture is the perspective of an outsider looking in. Here are 33 "normal" customs and habits in the U.S. that weird out the rest of the world. We dream of America and they dream about Europe. But if you were to use this pronunciation in conversation with an English speaker from another country, they'd probably give you a puzzled look. To find out, I thought that I should get a view from the outside of the proverbial white picket fenced, good ol Murican home.
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