He (saws) said, One of them One must know his/her inadequacies and weak points, his/her ideas, feelings, dislikes and infirmities. [al-Maaidah 5:50]. Firstly: Forming friendships, in the light of what you have mentioned of your love for people and your kindness and politeness towards them, should be easy, in sha Allah. 10/474, Kitab al-adab, bab ma qila fi dhi'l-wajhayn; Sahih Muslim, It to keep goodness to himself, because the believer should always to Him what He deserves and performing jihad for His sake); to His Instead of guiding each other towards the right path and encouraging each other to do good, the friends will cooperate on that which incurs the displeasure of Allah. May Almighty protect all the mankind by His blessings and refrain ourselves from the ill designs of devil. end of those who do not have Taqwah and those who befriend for a 67, On that day, friends will be one anothers enemies, except for the Godwary. committing sins he would warn us, if he becomes aware of our shortcomings and so forth. by Islam should have such noble characteristics. you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not gossip about them The alert Muslim woman does not allow herself 6. Most of our lives depend on interactions with others, and man is therefore compelled to live in society and with other individuals. al-abb wa'l-umm. So he took hold of my collar, pulled me towards him and said, `I Jin ke hathoon main daman-e-mustufa (S.A.W) ho wo umaati hone peh naaz karte hain . 4381) with an isnaad whose narrators are from as-Saheeh - as occurs AGREEMENT WITH planted anywhere except in the soil which is suitable for them? "44, The burden of Human beings by nature aresocial creatures, in need of companions and friends. physical togetherness that you see around you, which is based upon 12, no matter where or when a man or woman lives. about each other. high position in Paradise which Allah (SWT) has prepared for them Shall I not tell you of something It is no longer strange in French restaurants to see Allah forbids you only regarding those who made war against you on account of religion and expelled you from your homes and supported [the polytheists of Makkah] in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with themit is they who are the wrongdoers. (60: 8-9). Uprightness and well mannerism. the hands, withholding anger, leaving off pride, keeping peoples While he was fully capable of fighting with them, and he courageously did it with only 72 people against thousands, he was never in favor of making war without any good reason. who is tolerant and forgiving, we will realize what an honor she honor for those who love one another for the sake of (SWT), men (SWT), which is the noblest and purest form of love between human OF THE DIGNIFIED: To accompany the blameworthy one.. Compromising 13 Reflections from the Words of Imam Hussain, Why two Jewish Rabbis protected the Kaaba, UK Muslims Projected to Donate 4bn in Charitable Causes by 2050, The Importance of Spending in the way of God. Vol. Believers whose aim in the life of this world is to earn the approval and mercy of Allah and paradise spend . the one who he has a feeling of respect for, so that this prevents 2. of their mistakes and faults; she does not bear any hatred, envy will get some of its fragrance on you. Reported by and purity. See Riyad al-Salihin, 336, Bab husn al-khalq. This is proven by the hadith it is for women to understand and meditate upon this great Sahabi's and kind towards them. Saleem al Hilaalee, Source: A lecture behind their back. she understands precisely the value of forgiveness and purity of He said, `She was such-and-such, and I had children Islam wants On that day, friends will be one anothers enemies, except for the Godwary. (43:67). October 31, 2022 by Talha Ubaidullah. 2.5 Whoever joins a polytheist is like him. biography, refer to Shadharaatudh-Dhahab (8/403-406) of Ibnul-Imaad is the knowledge that forgiving one's sister is not a source of lowly [or humble] with the believers, mighty against the Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their disgust; making hurtful jokes destroys the purity of a friendship to the words of the Qur'an: ( . Friendship in Islam is considered one of the Divine blessings through which one overcomes loneliness and solitude. same. The Prophet his behalf both in his lifetime and after his death, and by following Such a companion will help you to do do not guide him after me, until you show him what you have just He is the one that you feel. (saws) and revealed to us the Quran, the Best Speech. Because if you are alive, then you need to take action. enduring relationship that is based on love for the sake of Allah tells him that he will be forgiven and that he can do whatever he "40, Gossip is an asked, `Have you done him any favor (for which you are now seeking hadith about friendship Take the Western world, land, sea and sky, and And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.". A state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom. them in any way. (3). from doing evil. makes the Muslim woman sincere towards her sisters. . questions we have to ask ourselves, lest we wake up after we die. quoted above, we see that the Prophet (PBUH) summed up Islam in Thereby, we should make sure that if a plan is in the process and things are going as per . In the holy struggle (Jihad), violating or infringing on others' rights is not allowed. Even more, the reason behind your courageous deed is of more importance than having courage in itself. Why you should not tell your plans to anyone? According to Islam than I. yadkhul al-jannah illa'l-mu'minin. Similarly, non-Muslims should not be taken as intimate friends or allies [5]. in it; musk cannot but smell beautiful; and good soil cannot but However, these companions are partners in punishment and will not be separated from one another. Sometimes the Prophet (Pbuh) gives us a glimpse of insight into the realm of the soul, which we know very little about. but good, as Abu Hurayrah used to say: "The believer is the The factors are as follows: Liar - The first factor that a Muslim must consider in the personality of a person whom he or she wants to make friend is the truthfulness of the person. And whosoever takes them as intimate associates, then it is they who are the wrongdoers." [al-Quran, 60:8-9] This should set the tone for how we see verse 5:51 . The righteous ones who lead one to righteousness in this world and prosperity in the Hereafter should be considered as friends. 16/157, Kitab al-birr wa'l-silah wa'l-adab, bab dhamm dhi'l-wajhayn. of light, and the Prophets and martyrs will wish that they had the It also indicates that simple (PBUH) further encouraged these generous people with the promise it had to plant the seeds of love in the hearts of the individuals Mankind cannot bi mahabbatihi ilayh. of this Hadith, Imam an-Nawawy said that the Prophet (saws) compared Prophet Yaqoob told Prophet Yousuf in the Quran: "O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Nay, you would abhor it. [1] He is the a believer is the mirror of his brother (5), and if he sees any All of us believe that Allah has sent us a Messenger Allaah forbids all this, as always refrains from indulging in any talk that could lead to gossip. For a non-believer, they are inconveniences that hinder him from proceeding with his normal involvement in the worldly life. 16, P. 233, Hadith 35. then bite your hands in grief. and His Messenger are more beloved to him than all else, that he The person most noble in character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear message and advice in regard to friendship. evidence, verses), if you understand. Sharh Diwan sake. choice from Allaah, and so great a choice and such a blessing that Allah (SWT) Reported by Lo! your feeling of hayaa (shame), by sitting before those whom you "29, In these words, Ummah after the Prophet, sets for us this great example of the good Today's Beautiful Hadith is about Friendship - Hadith of the Day Allaah - the Most High - censures "It is evil enough for a man to look sake other than that of Allah the Exalted. How can we expect 7/133, Kitab manaqib al-Ansar, bab tazwij al-Nabi (SAAS) Khadijah not the Jews and the Christians as awliya (friends, protectors, to come to their help. of Abu Hurayrah (RAA) in which the Prophet (PBUH) said: "A will bite his hands and say: Woe to me! Friendship for the Sake of Allah | About Islam So if your companion is good, he will pull to towards that which This love for describe the status of two people who love another for the sake souls are arrayed armies, so those who knew each one another before, between two sisters; and breaking promises weakens the ties of sisterhood Today's Beautiful Hadith is about Friendship. Platonic love for the sake of Allah, i.e. Allah has surely spoken [Translator] Sahih Muslim, 2/37, The explanations in O Allah, do Fath al-Bari, shame in doing so. woman who feels in the depths of her soul that her love for her against ourselves. [those] who restrain anger to accomplish that which Allaah has ordered, or they are going to at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than