droid hands a package and says hey I have this anonymous package from an undisclosed location that Im sending for someone else, give me the return package and Ill make sure he gets it. But their dual wan ability stinks. There are a lot of new jailbreaks out right now but most are either R.C.s or below. T-mobile did at one point begin throttling my usage with the Dun=0 trick. I found success with pdanet via usb, but it would be nice to ditch the cord. I have three and recently they limiting my tethering as I watch Netflix 4k but is has been working for months. at android.os.Binder.onTransact(Binder.java:492) As it is way out in the country, I can not get inter unless I pay 80$ a month for HughesNet, was supposed to get dsl but it was one of those O YES WE WILL RUN IT BY YOUR HOUSE REALLY SOON15 years ago. [PATCH v38 00/39] LSM: Module stacking for AppArmor I assume google will know. Ill try the tunnel again and see what happens. Also im on metropcs(a T-Mobile mvno) and have used this trick on both T-Mobile and Metro, my current useage this month with 13 days to go is 658GB with my network eed verying between 17Mb/s and 45Mb/s depending on time of day, i had no issues useing this a year back on T-Mobile and have never had speed drop to below 4g speeds outside of network issues, because MetroPCS is a T-Mobile mvno and already has lower priority over T-Mobile data and the same 26GBs for them depriortizeing your data when under load i find it unlikely that amyone will be throttled to the speeds stated unless the system is heavily underload, something i have never encountered in my 4 years on both T-Mobile and MetroPCS. TTL Master - Apps on Google Play Also was using PDANet+ for years but all of a sudden looks like TMO can now see. Zach Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. You wont even get a 40 with thaT setup. Whoa Nellie! Again, Ive been able to change ttl, switch user-agent, add vpn in iosjust not change the apn settings like you have. Like you Austin, I live in the county a few miles away from a large city, and chances I will ever see a fiber line ran to my house is zilch. Having a couple issues though that I hope someone could help with. At step 4, you can see the contents of the file. at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider.mutateGlobalSetting(U Tmobile is still counting my hotspot data. The exact same carrier bundle that you have now should work though, although a newer one, for the model, should work. You are using an out of date browser. but im at 12 GB of data being shown used on my phone data and 3 gb of hotspot, but if i go into data usage it shows 12 GB of hotspot been used. This strongly implies that an iptables modification on the AR750S to set outgoing TTL traffic to 65 would be effective in allowing unthrottled traffic to all devices connected to the router. at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.call(ContentProvider.java:4 \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. then hopefully voila. @Jay, please help me! by Prvt.N00b Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:21 pm, Post Wouldnt they still see all the traffic because they view it AFTER the tunnel?? Then double click it and add value 65 in decimal, (thx Jay) EDIT: Correction on testing the TTL. iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -o `get_wanface` -j TTL ttl-set 66 If you dont recommend the PC left on all the time, what would you recommend. My usage is mostly streaming iptv and movies. It uses NetShare app which works very well. Token expire. Do you tether phone using usb android native hotspot, Did you connect phone later or before which carrier did you use version or T-Mobile, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I am already subscribed to ExpressVPN, for example. Hm 10 Original Bluetooth-SoC can be accessed via UART interface and supports AT-Commands for setup. Lol once you can break the signature on the bundle you have, as long as its the same one, it should overwrite your current one and cause it to ignore it. Until early this morning I had a multi-year incredibly sweet deal where a friend literally loaned me their extra Verizon MiFi Jetpack which had a legacy unlimited data plan. When moving a website or creating new subdomains, you may want to change the DNS TTL value. Ok, it is now 3-14-2020, Ive been chasing this since last summer. But is that really the case or is this a false embellishment? Please just make a new thread. Can someone please confirm I did this the right way? Thats the point. The command to enter the editor is: vi /etc/sysctl.conf. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:697) Those Asus routers should do it, I currently have the Alcatel Linkzone, but Im capped at 6Gb monthly. by DDK65JAG Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:20 pm, Post For me No VPN most of the time. Wether or not it is possible to force the tablet not decrease TTL? Streaming mostly? If you have issues with Netflix because of the VPN, just change your DNS. Thank you. had to switch usb option on phone to charging only. Some people might not need to use a VPN if they are just going from their phone to one device (without an extra hop). Thanks for sharing. Can someone help me please, Ive managed to change the TTL on my ageing macbook and can now connect it to the internet via my phones hotspot, but Im struggling with my ps4 It will not connect to the internet through the phone hotspot wirelessly, or even through an ethernet connection via the macbook Pda will not work for me as I cannot use my phone as a usb modem because my macbook os is not supported with the correct drivers.. Its running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b) and will not support a newer os. metro only has 90Mbs(max i get around 40Mbs after i use a ton of data) as the max where I live, but i easily get the full bandwidth, i user a routersetup with no issues. Okay. Where specifically in DD-WRT settings do you change the APN? I presume whatever VPN work-around that used to work, doesnt work anymore. My question is, is there anyway I can stop them cutting it off all together? The only modification in the copied firewall command was changing the TTL to 66 Elaborate because if you get more than 128 on the phone and covered all of the bases you wouldnt/shouldnt be having this issue. fiy, the command prompt way, doesnt always work for some reason, so if it doesnt just manually edit the registry to change the ttl. at android.os.Binder.onTransact(Binder.java:492) So I'm not sure what you're asking. After reading again it appears that youre talking about tunneling into your home network to use your media when away from home. I have a question. Please let us know. Please try to change with different values to have a check. Fair enough. Device recommendations? Your post wad simple for me to follow so i tried. Would any of the above suggestions work for using a T-mobile sim card on their One plan, and plugging that into a MOFI4500 sim4 router (band 12)? Ubuntu 18.04 system and an unrooted LG G7 ThinQ. The hotspot phone is rooted pixel 3a and it works great. somewhere in /sys or /proc I assume. Go to NETWORK > FIREWALL > CUSTOM TTL SETTING > and enable with TTL to 65 and Save & Apply. Youre gonna have to get a broken bundle in your phone. Change outgoing TTL - Technical Support - GL.iNet You need to use an app which tunnels data between computer and the phone using android usb debugging, and I found the most reliable app for this is easytether pro. I tried both the share connection under the status of pdanet adapter, and trying to bridge the connection between the pdanet adapter, and the ethernet adapter. plugged in the phone. It doesn't hide the data use with just TTL it just lets you use it like it's a phone (not hotspot). SPent half night repairing it, it didn't wanna get flashed because of.. True HD (720p or greater) requires an extra $25 add-on per-line. -1) tethering data is available on T-Mobile Downside is that you would have to run it to your windows machine so you canadjust (mangle) the ttl but then you can also use ice to share it from there. I have tried the netsh command line and it will add an registry key as the path you have posted automatically. I just copied it from the below link. I have found this to be trueit stays firm and stable almost 100%. I will help you though. Wouldnt torrents get flagged also? Help with changing outgoing TTL on Asus WRT Also not sure how to sideload. Changing registry parameter is not working: I needed to use wireshark to check TTL. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. TTL 64 or 65 seems to work with T-Mobile ok at this time. This may help someone out there. Hope this helps and will try to check in when available. None worked. I even have tasker automatically connect/disconnect the vpn when I enable/disable my hotspot. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B559FIpi6uslN1BMMmRfcms0N0k/view, speedtest As of 11/1/2019 T-Mobile One unlimited data. You show me a strait phone or router that can run under 20 latency, over 90 dn, over 30 up for hours on end without hick ups hot phones or a jittery connection graph, with the average phone. Also tried doing it the Admin cmd prompt way, many times. Its honestly easier to run command prompt as admin and run netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65(no quotation marks) and thwn reboot, it doesnt work without a reboot. So far 350GB used with a week to go on my metropcs plan and still just regular deprioritized speed but still high enough for me to do everything. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com. There are no posts matching your filters. I could NOT get the android (version 5) phone working as a USB tether plugged directly into router. I tried several ways before just deciding to mess with my TTL values. Quality of Service (QOS) w/ DD-WRT All about 80 Gigs last month. I wouldnt say that there is no way around that but you would just end up stripping it down into Windows server; at that point you might as well have just installed Ubuntu server and modded it a lil. Either way, I will be doing this sometime soon myself after ios11 roles out in like an hour. Thats why jio. Further, I might add, it is by means the same, that said advice is now being forwarded to a retired U.S. State Department official (we call him the Ambassador), now residing in Germany. All of my carrier files have broken signitures. I was running transmission and a ton of other services on the box. Verizon uses deep packet inspection and looks at more than just TTL so that may be all the speed you can get. If you are on one PC and ping the local adress of the same PC it will just give you whatever value the PC has, because there are no hops, being its the same system/device. Can you tell me if the SE has native VoLTE/Vo4g unlocked?? I did pull it and it is in nano. I flashed it to DD-WRT and set it up. note:for some reason, after a while, the tethering setting does go back to 1, which allows me to enable the hotspot, but blocks the internet access. For my set up I have to do 2 things for it to work on T-Mobile unlimited. How do I use my Windows PC to connect to the openSSH server to create the traffic tunnel? Why did everything but specific flashmode was working I've no clue. Im still using metro. I had to use slightly different syntax for ASUS-Merlin-WRT, [code] n(Unknown Source:32) I have one for each. The app only works if the kernel supports this parameter. Yes I forgot to say im on MetroPCS $60 unlimited plan also. If you can see the file, use the exact syntax as the other entries.