Earth Clinic readers have also been delighted to find that it can be helpful for pets, too. 6. Thicker and darker than other types of molasses, it has a slightly bitter flavor.. Content may not be reproduced in any form. seems that when it is mixed with food that it doesn't have any of the side effects - which from what i've learned seem to be from the natural occuring sulfites. 6 or No. Recent research verifies its ability to address constipation in children. Here is an important quote from the study: >>> ' Melatonin exerts its oncostatic effect by inhibiting angiogenesis, preventing cancer spread and growth, and improving the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and chemotherapy in both prostate and breast cancer. ' If you experience side effects from blackstrap molasses, please be sure to let us know! Something good is happening in your body - something bad to the cancer. There are various types of molasses, each with slightly divergent properties. God bless you both. Hi Natalie, Here are a few articles or post I would like you to read. It doesn't. so i stopped after 2 days. ok, read this!! Pure sorghum, for example, is sometimes referred to as sorghum molasses and is often confused with blackstrap molasses. The substitute for sugar is molasses. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the iron you need each day. It is also high in antioxidants. success! Blackstrap molasses contain a significant amount of calcium that helps improve overall bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. If left untreated, this type of anemia can lead to extreme fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath.. That said, molasses has an alike glycemic index ranking to refined sugar. Sending love and hoping for the best for you and your lovely wife. Posted by Laura (Wisconsin) on 10/24/2020, Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/31/2009, Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/31/2009, Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol (1, Essiac, Turmeric, Famotidine, Diphenhydramine (1, Garlic, Cayenne, Chili, Iodine, Baking Soda, Tomato Juice, Maple Syrup, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Iodine, utm_campaign=eastern-medicine&utm_medium=social&utm_source=fb-ttac&utm_content=bloodroot&a_aid=59c13831797bc&fbclid=IwAR2JCsc1FvnowI3Uoc15Vgnb1m5L6woKt9x27hYF_z0mxt5iNJt6AaKXq-c, protocol,,,,,, Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. Blackstrap molasses has a lead warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because the processing of molasses infrequently involves using a direct flame with coals that may. Please provide the author(s) name and more identifiable info of the book you are referring to as there are several different possibilities Can hydrogen peroxide speed up the process? Energy Production According to an American study, blackstrap molasses was found to be effective in the treatment of diseases like cancer ( 6 ). Additional examples of direct-fired processes wherein changes in fuel may lead to contamination are processes utilizing: Rotary driers Grain driers Smoke-curing units Vermiculite poppers Certain equipment in by-product plants. This is primarily related to the inability to follow a properly balanced diet. Buy tub of miso or Korean equivalent is fine (not from supermarket normal, go to oriental one or online and get large tub keep in fridge use clean spoons to take each amount out only) get dulse or kelp dry and trim it tiny bits then put in clean sterile jar, daily have at least one large cup of hot water with a tablespoon of miso mixed in and a dessert or half desert spoon of those dry seaweed in it, you can have two cups a day if want with seaweed just one time). Its use may lead to contamination with substantial levels of potash. !.AT LEAST 2 big spoons a day, the few first days was stable, but after like a week, I increased my weight almost at 70% more then use to be! It mentions POTASSIUM. My cannabis seedling leaves are stuck together, what do I do? Is Soursop ok for someone who has had auto immune disease in the past? Plenty of iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium make it a vital sugary source for daily life. Blackstrap molasses are also a significant source of: Enjoyed in moderation, blackstrap molasses can add a hint of sweetness to many foods, along with several important vitamins and minerals. Light molasses is most commonly used as a sweetener for baking, while dark molasses is the byproduct from the second boiling cycle of sugarcane. I am sorry to bother you but can you please confirm if this is the book you gave your friends. 2. She had already started having seizures due to the cancer in her brain. Some readers report that it helps with their dogs' arthritis! It is low in fat but is quite good for energy because it is high in carbohydrates. I just finished the baking soda and molasses and the alkaline diet, even going an extra day, but the affected areas seem to be more inflamed. Flushing Cannabis Before Harvest (for Smoother Buds), 5 Best LED Grow Lights 2023 (Cannabis Yields, Speed, & Bud Quality). ?.Now I stopped since 2 days, and still don't know? 65 Warning: This comment contains chemicals known by the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. There is no actual evidence that the lead in molasses could lead to any defects but because California has this list and threshold, any item that is being sold in CA containing lead requires this warning. We thought something must be wrong with this particular brand of molasses but we soon learned that nearly all blackstrap molasses has trace amounts of certain chemicals including lead and acrylamide. Today, there are even more benefits related to molasses. Prop 65 is officially known as the safe drinking water and toxic enforcement act of 1986. It has minerals and certain vitamins, and its rich in potassium, zinc, silica, and other trace minerals. As you can see from the above studies melatonin helps ameliorate the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy while adding to their anticancer effects and having anticancer effects also. The recipe below is a great use of black-strap molasses. This means that as new flowers develop they will contain small amounts of these natural esters which contribute to the overall flavor and aroma of the finished product. This is expected. ", The World's Healthiest Foods: "Please Tell Me the Benefits of Unsulphured Molasses. It comes from a plant and you can get it in packets, or drops. Some coals used for direct-firing may lead to contamination of products with H 2S and SO 2. Manganese helps the body fight free radical damage to cells and DNA. so i tried putting 1/2 a teaspoon in my daily smoothie! Acupuncture is also effective for releasing stored traumatic energies. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002 study found in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. However, since these containa small but significant amount of magnesium, they should not be used while flushingduring the last 2-3 weeks before harvest. Protocel was invented by a chemist named Jim Sheridan. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. All the gem nutrients lie in the molasses. This changed in the early 1900s, when the price of white sugar dropped. Heat the water and baking soda together, turn off heat, and then add the molasses or syrup. hi David, I love to know your exact dosage of Baking Soda + Molassie with Hydrogen peroxide. There are many studies to confirm the usefulness of melatonin in many types of cancer and is definitely worth discussing with your wife's oncologist. Baking soda and food grade hydrogen peroxide are logical choices to take daily in your drinking water with any type of cancer. Blackstrap molasses also contains lactic acid which can help fight against pimples and blackheads and promote the healing of damage to the skin, such as burns, cuts, and other lesions. In fact, the only reason that brown sugar is better for a person than refined white sugar is because brown sugar is the result of adding molasses to refined sugar. Fuel oils from Venezuelan fields contain high amounts of vanadium. After taking molasses I have developed hives. But the key is to understand that if one change the "terrain" than you change the condition that favored the coming of cancer. Melatonin has an excellent safety profile itself and also helps protect the heart and other organs against the negative effects that chemotherapy and radiotherapy can have on them. He'd originally started with some med. Keys are oxygenation and pH I. E alkalizing.. See post from Londi from Scottsdale in Some of my friends got breast cancer and I sent them a book called CURE, that was over a year ago and they are doing great. Adults with higher levels of calcium tend to have better bone density and are less likely to develop osteoporosis. Look what this guy did by simply using blackstrap molasses and baking soda. However, the economics of sugar changed after World War I, causing people to switch their allegiance to refined sugar. My dear sweet wife is suffering from Breast Cancer that metastasized to her bones. !.right after that week I felt very tired all the time and at the gym was very hard to be right on!!?? First, I have only every found this protocol successfully being used against prostate/bone cancer. Quick list: What are the best nutrients to grow weed? Why are cannabis plants getting nutrient deficiencies when the pH is correct? Be the first to know about new products, events and offers. Some companies dont play well together. I've been taking blackstrap molass in my coffee every day for the last 3 weeks and haven't noticed any changes in reversing gray hair. However, it still contains a high level of sugar that can be harmful when consumed in excess. But taking potassium daily while on this BAKING SODA CURE should lessen your loss of energy. Sorry for the misinformation. I started the protocol and on the 12th day, I had a biopsy done on my liver. Another is fruit phenols.. See link.. I appreciate the warning, mate!! One ounce (approximately 28 grams) of unsulphured blackstrap molasses nutrition contains about: Molasses is a good source of B vitamins, and it contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, selenium, and manganese. That said, it may help steady blood sugar levels in healthy adults on a high carb diet. The Los Angeles judge ruled that companies failed to demonstrate that the health benefits of coffee outweighed the risks posed by acrylamide, which include cancer and developmental and reproductive harm. (You may begin to feel a little nauseous or queasy, and your stool may become yellowish. To reduce the risk of side effects, start with a small dose and increase slowly if it suits you. March 15, 2017 3:24 PM By En Passant The statement that licorice flavored candies contain lead comes from the Centers for Environmental Health. ----*DEIO/Investigations Branch HFC- 132*. As a potential therapeutic agent, melatonin is safe for children and adolescents and is a promising candidate for an adjuvant by reinforcing the therapeutic effects and abolishing the unwanted consequences of chemotherapies. ' How to Grow Different Cannabis Strains Together. In addition, it contains a high amount of magnesium, which helps absorb calcium in the body, eventually resulting in better bone health. The side effects that you experienced was that the BSM caused a cleansing action of your body attempting the removal of toxic matter in your systems. The Botanicare Sweet Carbo line offers cannabis supplements to make buds smell likecitrus,berry, orraw(a generally sweet smell), The jury is still out and which is themosteffective supplement, but many growers are happy with bloom-promoting supplements that include sources of, I personally dont use this typeof supplementso I cant recommend a particular one, but some of the most popular cannabis supplements based on this type of formulainclude. Your answer would be much appreciated. Growers have been giving blackstrap molasses to cannabis plants (as a supplement in the water) for decades. Johnston says "it is very important for those of us who have done or are doing this [baking soda cancer cure] that we focus on an Alkaline Diet. I suspect this is the exact same molasses as the "Slow As" brand below. About 901ppb of acrylamide was found in black molasses. A proper food of humans can be eaten as a meal. Some additional info: Black-strap molasses is actually the dregs of the refining process and the result of the third boiling of cane juice. Why do some buds turn purple? Prop 65 warning on molasses packaging <<<. Here is a link describing melatonin use for breast cancer: I would like to iquire if molasses thins the blood. I believe his post was from back in 2011-2012 maybe. And if you have not tried Tagamet or Cimetidine yet there is a very interesting Cancer treatment study using Cimetidine or Tagamet. All rights reserved. I had a scan in September and showed clear. The amount of lead in blackstrap molasses is 0.3 parts per million. Is about 8.55, so, Sugar cane, after it's been harvested, is then boiled. It provides me with a lot of energy. ). I have used many of the remedies on Earth Clinic and most of them have worked, so I hope this one does too. It is derived from sugar cane. A single tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 10% of the calcium you need each day. This is expected and may eventually lessen.). These days industries are making molasses from beet sugar, but most of the beets are GMO. Learn how Earth Clinic readers used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to treat cancer. Thanks for sharing the hydrogen peroxide for stomach cancer story! Some coals used for. Blackseed Oil -- I read of a 12 year old girl with bone cancer and used Blackseed Oil, rubbed on her spine and it grew new bone marrow.. Also I read here from Ted a while back about clove oil used for cancer in the bones. 5) Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda & 1 teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup water. Taking Sodium Bicarbonate together with molasses seems to somehow combine together(isomer?) When you find off label anti-cancer supplements it's a good idea to have the studies with you to back up your research of the benefits potentially added to your wife's chemo regime when talking it over with onc. Infact I had to take medication to stop this heavy flow . Look up 'How I Cured My Dog From Cancer' on Youtube. Molasses supplies no fatty acids. Plantation Blackstrap Molasses (Conventional) Blackstrap molasses. Is close to 9, so, Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. When consumed on a regular basis, it can help relieve PMS symptoms, alleviate symptoms of ADHD, and make your skin healthy and glowing (via Dr. Axe). You can google Joe Tippens and read about how he cured himself with dewormer. Stick to organic and chemical-free versions of everything that you can! I asked if it was active or dormant and they said active. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses supplies approximately 43 calories. Please let us know if you have ever tried this remedy and how it worked out. I appreciate any help! This is the syrup we get after the turn of the first boiling. What are the risks if any trying this, is that known? Reduce Fungus, Candida and Yeast infestations in the body and your body's immune system will take care of you. But as a herbalist, I'd strongly recommend soursop, which should be available in Nigeria. Producers repeat this process over and over again, and each time, a divergent type of molasses is formed. WHERE in the protocol does it mention Hydrogen Peroxide?? It also appears to promote the health of the heart. I tried it on a little spot and since it didn't burn, I tried it on another spot and it seemed to take the itch out. Moreover, we discussed the drug synergy effects of the role of melatonin involved and the method to fortify the anti-cancer effects on osteosarcoma. I don't feel well, lost so much weight down to 38Kg. Calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide, which is produced by the action of water on calcium oxide, have a broad range of uses in the food industry which include the following: To meet Food Chemicals Codex standards CaO and Ca(OH) 2 must contain not more than 10 ppm lead. 14% RDI for potassium. It's part ofPadma Lakshi's secret ingredient to kick up flavor in her food and some people even think it may help relieve digestive issues. In the 1930s if you suffered from an iron deficiency, your grandma probably would have given you a daily teaspoon of molasses to fight off anemia, as it is rich in iron. Summary You may hear claims that blackstrap molasses. Certain caveats about this protocol. I've also put up a similar article in the "honey" section at earth clinic -- I found a patent where honey/bicarb was used very successfully -- backed up by much successful human research that I've never heard about. Since cancers are voracious for glucose -- the sodium bicarbonate/molasses seems to get drawn into the cancer cells -- these cancer cells need 17 times more glucose than normal human cells because their respiration is anaerobic. I love Earth Clinic; it is the first place I go for first aid. How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Soil or Coco (Easy Germination! utm_campaign=eastern-medicine&utm_medium=social&utm_source=fb-ttac&utm_content=bloodroot&a_aid=59c13831797bc&fbclid=IwAR2JCsc1FvnowI3Uoc15Vgnb1m5L6woKt9x27hYF_z0mxt5iNJt6AaKXq-c. It has been shown to prevent or relieve headaches. Copyright 2009 - 2023. Doing nothing is obviously worse but we certainly do not want to attempt something that would accelerate rather than destroy the bone cancer. I'll keep at it until the jar finishes and see how that goes. Studies also show that these antioxidants can help guard cells from the oxidative stress associated with cancer and other diseases. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002study found in theIndian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Blackstrap molasses is high in iron, vitamin, manganese and calcium content and these ingredients make it best diet supplement. Do you have any suggestions to follow? Blackstrap molasses is a viscous substance, which means it has a thick, sticky consistency that's between a solid and liquid. LED Grow Light Deep Dive: How Does LED Color Spectrum Affect Cannabis Plants? Unsulfured molasses comes from fully mature sugarcane in which the cane juice is already concentrated. He had stage 4 cancer in his lungs and in almost every part of his body, and cured himself with Fenbendazole, CBD oil, and a few other supplements. As these molasses have a low glycemic index, they help slow the metabolism of glucose, lowering the level of insulin in the blood. Instead, use life-style changes. Fast forward to the present day, and a health-conscious population may be pushing molasses back into the throes of popularity. All No. It is a very small amount and is naturally occurring. According to the article I have provided, iodoral iodine will also shrink cancer tumors when taken as a supplement. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. This is expected. As it runs in my family I have made a list of the books which I find might be of interest and I could send it to you or else go on Amazon and have a look because there you can also read all the reviews. At this point we will try most anything. Molasses is a great source of iron, selenium, and copper, all of which help balance healthy bones. Marijuana growers have been happily using molasses for decades. Dr. Sircus has written and researched using bicarbonate of soda for cancer and many other illnesses. I found Baking Soda and Molasses very effective. Which would build up her immune system and energy. I gave it to a few friends who had cancer and it helped them.I think meditation, vitamins, eating lots of vegetables, and thanking GOD every day really helps. In addition to categorizing based on boiling time, molasses may be classified as sulfured or unsulfured. Blackstrap Molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is quite high in potassium content. Is it safe to order cannabis seeds online? Blackstrap Molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is quite high in potassium content. Many people use blackstrap molasses in place of refined sugars for health reasons. Iodine drops (4) from Lugol's, 2.5% human consumption type. Dear Ruthie, please look into High Dose +50 grams Vit C IV's, Vit B17 (bitter apricot kernels), pure spirit of turpentine, high pH water (Iceland brand). The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the iron you need each day. called Prednisone but he didn't see any results until he did the Blackstrap Molasses / Baking Soda protocol. Some coals used for direct-firing may lead to the contamination of products with hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide gas. Of note about this story of a prostate cancer cure, is that it seems to work successfully against already metastased cancer, and the protocol seems somehow to be able to even penetrate the blood/bone barrier to kill off the seconadary bone cancer(very difficult to do). Blackstrap molasses also contains lactic acid which can help fight against pimples and blackheads and promote the healing of damage to the skin, such as burns, cuts, and other lesions. When You Drink Molasses Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body.