Moon in Scorpio represents rich emotional life, enjoys feelings with depth and meaning, a mysterious disposition, feels safe as the enigma and passionate. Moon and Mars square Neptune in Pisces. To have a planet ingress into a new sign at the exact time of the full moon is extraordinary and very rare! This post looks at the compatibility between the combination of Sun in Aquarius Moon in Scorpio. On the one hand, the innate intensity of Scorpio often sparks an inherent need for control and stability. However, with Jupiter as esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Plutos transit could re-establish and re-enunciate the principles of Universal Brotherhood the mantra of Libert, galit, fraternit (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). Biden), the possibility of an even broader conflict appears perilously close, as the West/NATO attempt to retain an unipolar world order. Yesterdays Horoscope. 4.) Millions follow the broadcast main narrative straight out of Orwells 1984 dystopia whether it is Covid, Ukraine or the next big thing! This pattern can work for the good, or harden resolve and boost confidence of the ruling elite, who are certainly seeking greater control. This person will need to balance their sense of personal freedom with a deep and complicated internal emotional world. These natives are able to take advantage of their deep understanding of emotions while utilizing their natural curiosity to explore multiple avenues. American and Russian soldiers embrace on Elbe Day, 1945. Pluto was discovered toward the end of the Pisces Age, between the two great World Wars and the discovery of atomic power: Pluto = Plutonium. Free Subscription to Newsletter Click here for your free numerology reading. And so the world witnesses the end of the Age of Pisces, Pluto taking its wrecking ball, but we all pray not with Plutonium! %PDF-1.5 % You are not alone in your observations. also the 12 disciples were each zodiac? Creatures of the Pisces-Neptune realm L: The ancient and mysterious seahorse, a tiny winged dragon. Group projects may be challenging for these individuals, as they can often be too opinionated and have difficulty working with different personalities. They may also come off as bohemian, different, or outright strange. They literally had the wool pulled over their eyes. The problem is widespread in all nations however. Here are some of the most common traits associated with this unique combination of Scorpio and Aquarius if it appears in your natal chart. Love and relationships arent easy for Aquarius sun Gemini rising, because you have trouble reading certain situations and suffer from Their minds cant sit still, making it hard for this person to focus on one singular concept for long periods. They may be passionate if theyre Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, or Pisces. Their keen analytical mind, creativity, and independent spirit make them excellent problem solvers who are not afraid to take risks. There are parallels today in the dying days of Pisces and imminent conflict: To bring about the full presentation of the choice and to indicate the mode whereby the spirit of man can triumph, the influence of Pisces was called in or rather evoked. Transiting Pluto dips in and out of Aquarius for the next 2.5 years, from March 23 to June 11, 2023 then again from Jan.21 to Sept.1, 2024 and finally Nov.19, 2024 remaining in Aquarius for another 18 years to 2042. These are signs that often pull in different directions. This mass negligence to assert itself in the interests of the higher principles, was aided by the fact that the Nazis persecuted intellectualswho left Germany in droves, literally weakening the mental body of the nation and its spiritual principles. Scorpio is a water sign which brings a natural connection to the emotive world, the moon is considered to be in fall in this sign which brings some additional turbulence. Since this may create social tension, its more prudent to settle for a job with limited team interaction. (2030 is also the date of the UN and WEFs sustainable development goals.). Having a moon in Scorpio is one of the most powerful emotional placements possible. Their intuition is usually spot-on, and they often pick up on what others are feeling. This direct flow was a calculated risk taken by the Hierarchy, in order to speed up planetary evolution that fell behind other planets in the solar system due to the failure of the Moon chain. They pursue people who will accept or support their lifestyle and goals, often trying to find someone who can understand them on a deeper level. This four-day zoom conference is in four weeks time April 1st to 4th, just before the Aries-Easter full moon on April 6, GMT/UT. To put it bluntly, the Scorpio moon just needs to learn when to hold them, and when to fold them. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. Scorpio is a water moon, making you ultra sensitive to the moods around you. (It may be far more integrated now, but was not then.). Just like the moon has sway over all the tides of the Earth, so does Scorpio Moon equally experience the power of their sea of emotions. The effect has been widely written about, and investigated empirically, with hundreds of studies published in peer-reviewed journals confirming and analyzing the phenomenon, particularly in relation to the dangers it poses in certain contexts. It has only been in the past century that the Shamballa force has been allowed to flow directly to Humanity, the Hierarchy hitherto shielding or stepping down those potencies. As these two pipelines are jointly owned by Russia and to a lesser extent Germany, technically this was an act of war upon not only Russia, but also designed to weaken and control Germany. USAs Aquarian soul dharma is to do just that, but by fair means not foul! Saturn in its lower expression is the jailer, the imprisoner and Pisces is associated with this theme. Most likely a 4th ray soul, from the soul of the nation. Friends, Masters of the Seven Rays Los Maestros De Los Siete Rayos Neptune is the personality ruler of Pisces, and as Lord of the Oceans, appropriately rules the solar plexus centre, gateway to the astral body. MARCH 2023. Besides appearing on the birth chart, the Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon placement can profoundly affect us in synastry and transits. If the Scorpio sun Aquarius moon person is looking for someone to share life adventures with, then a fire sign may be more fitting. We can only imagine the loss that the nation must be feeling right now especially so many young students. Mars in deceptive Gemini also squares Neptunes siren song in Pisces. This post looks at the compatibility between the combination of Sun in Aquarius Moon in Scorpio. hb`````c wP#0p4 q@1C$?E2|D+ zy 7 Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon/Virgo Rising. The regenerative force symbolised by the serpent that sheds its skin. (Note, the earlier chart posted here had the wrong time, it has been changed to the correct one.). They tend to have An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon will often carry more than their fair share of secrets. Whilst you discuss this overestimation of ones intelligence, I also think that stupidity is a failure to use ones god-given basic mental faculties and intuition we have witnessed this en masse in the past few years! Its not uncommon for them to become bored with the status quo and begin searching for something new and more fascinating. They may be innovators or find a new way of looking at things, which will help others learn more deeply about themselves and the world around them. The Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon can be in competition with each other. The discovery of Uranus in 1781 is usually attributed to these revolutions, but Pluto in Uranus-ruled Aquarius also played a large part. Before Uranus discovery, Saturn used to be the ruler of Aquarius and still rules over its first decanate. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. When two people come together in this synastry pairing, there can be tension in the relationship. It continues to this day, unabated and even more sophisticated. A partners willingness to give them space and join in on the journey is crucial for a successful relationship. Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda What makes a Scorpio sun Aquarius moon unique is their ability to see all the possibilities. Germany was possessed by a powerful and possessed dictator who was extremely mediumistic, easily manipulated by the dark forces. Learning when to open up to individuals and when to play things close to the vest can be a challenge for a Scorpio moon. Soul Cycles Seven Rays IV These natives tend to be highly independent, preferring to blaze their own trails rather than follow the beaten path. If youve ever known someone who truly lives and their Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement, then youll know that one of the most defining features of these signs is that this individual has little in the way of a middle ground. When these two combine, this placement becomes a powerful current of emotions. Just that the ladies wont be able to help themselves from wanting him all the time. They propagate their ideals very infectiously, they are excellent propagandists; But they promise too much, because they rely too much on themselves. List of 12 star signs. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.6. They can sense the emotions of others through energetic means rather than with words alone. WebScorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Man. We shall have, therefore, a period of discipline and a cycle wherein choices will be made, and through these discriminating decisions humanity will enter into its birthright. An Aquarius moon amplifies the Aquarius sun sign's typical traits. Yet at the same time, Hierarchy knew that the first ray force would break down old patterns of history, bringing vital unresolved issues to the surface. However, the Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is all about extremes and expression. As a water sign, Pisces has a great emotional sensitivity that is connected to its deeply compassionate nature. A woman with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is going to need a very special romantic partner. Polands capital is ruled by Warsaw, appropriately Piscean as it was originally a small fishing town on the very beautiful River Vistula. Its lower expression is in mass consciousness, addiction, illusion, distortion of ideas, paranoia, unwholesome fantasy etc. Your email address will not be published. However, they also become worldly through this deep insatiable curiosity. %%EOF Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. WebThe Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon can be in competition with each other. The 250 year (Phoenix) cycle of Pluto in Capricorn carries the great danger of power hungry tyrants that want to rule and take over the world, versus an awakening Humanity, who through the power of transformation, have the opportunity to reclaim their lost power and walk through the purifying fires of initiation.4, Pluto rules the lesser burning ground and the first ray of will or power and is connected to cycles based upon the numeral 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc. Hence, Pluto as an agent of the first ray and Shamballa, has revealed the depths of depravity in the underworld over which it rules: Abuses of power, money, sex, politics, the sciences and arts all have been corrupted. Our sun sign is typically the part of our personality that likes to face the world while our moon represents that shadow element that is just beneath the surface. Saturn will pass through Pisces three more times between now and 2,117 AD. Passion projects and spiritual retreats may also be part of this natives journey, allowing them to nurture their creativity and inner reserves. The moon in Scorpio is a recipe for deep and complex feeling. Hence, Saturn moving into Pisces just 49 after the exact Pisces-Virgo full moon carries some gravitas! The core karmic puzzle presented to these natives is the struggle between altruistic and self-serving acts. Hence, the ease with which the public were so easily conned by the plannedemic assault upon them, 2020 to 2023, with a major offshoot distraction into Ukraine. Uranus as ruler of mental Aquarius, represents innovative and creative thought that ventures beyond Saturns ring pass not. Scorpio sun/Aquarius moon people are valuable when it comes to making high-level decisions, since theyre extremely perceptive about other peoples characters and intentions. This can lead to inner turmoil, or it can be a source of great strength. In other words, they are ignorant of their own ignorance. As Lord of the Underworld, Pluto remains unseen by most. An Aquarius sun is also naturally drawn to social situations, but is just as happy going their own way. When discussing the presence of the fourth ray in USAs ray structure, the USAs first ray influence is touched upon: Ray 4. They are capable of great endurance and a deep devotion to those they love. Aquarius: January 21 February 18. Nordstream Explosion Horoscope Mars is the most elevated planet in the chart, in Gemini a sign of transportation. WebTry describing me in few words. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, Moon In Scorpio The Tides Of Emotions, Finding Your Own Way With An Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon, Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Validation and Soulful Connection, Capricorn Sun Gemini Moon - An Articulate and Futuristic Personality, Sun Opposite Moon Synastry: Integration of Identity and Emotion, Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon An Insightful and Visionary Personality, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. 2.) Pisces Sun/Capricorn Moon/Gemini Rising. Gemma Arterton February 2, 1986 at 5:00 PM Denise Related Article: 12 Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits 2. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn.