It has 1509 chapters with a total length of 6,713,475 words, making it one of the longest stories on this website. That said, modern fantasy authors have it beat. Now Mob is raised by Claw, and this brings a lot of challenges with it for both of them. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Super Smash BrothersI got to applaud this man. It's not the biggest, but it's still massive. If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. It's a Super Smash-bros fan-fiction called "Super Smash Bros Under Fire: The Great Adventure Saga." It was Published on June 14 2018 and last updated on August 31 2018. But then he realizes that his fate is in the hands of the Fire Nation Princess. According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written!). A fun fact, the author, Ryuugi, released 1 chapter a day, everyday, for 503 consecutive chapters. The fic is These Black Eyes, by Postreposted in 2009 after being deleted, These Black Eyes (TBE) had a small but devoted fandom following. It's full of spelling errors and makes 0 sense. A lawyer from New York moves to rural Ireland, but little does she know that this will bring her on the path of elves and hobbits. Your weekday morning guide to breaking news, cultural analysis, and everything in between, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. After The Subspace Emissary, the next contender for the prize of longest fictional work may be a mid-2000s Teen Titans fanfic by a writer whos now a My Little Pony superfan. I suspect To The Stars (Madoka Magica fic) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance are heading that way too. Presumably its longer than this. Without publication requirements or worries about costs, you can smash you keyboard for as long as you want. Fanwork can be deeply long - browse fandom TikTok and there's bound to be a few jokes about slow burns and 100,000-word fics that the reader has decided to start at . This fanfic by Jamesdean5842, titled "The Loud House: Revamped" recently just reached their 1,010th chapter, and it reached a total amount of 4,558,217 words, and it's currently the longest (active) fanfiction in the website. The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. So congrats, I guess? Theres even a 60,000 word prequel, itself longer than some novels, that brings the current word-count above 3.6 million. What is the largest fanfiction site? The first chapter titled the "The Glorious Tale," is over 40,000 words long and is the entire story of the fic. What's surprising is that the author has "only" been doing it since 2017, like I can only assume it will continue for years.. Serenity. As of July, the fic is 3,548,615 words long. There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild suggestive material, or minor coarse language that is justified by context. So the fan fic is long. His mind racing with fleeting thoughts, Chris looked around and then found the entrance of the music store. Subspace Emissary Worlds Conquest at 4.10 MILLION words. It's kind of inspiring in a way. Writing many paragraphs can become dull eventually, so I like to listen to video game music to lighten the mood, preferably music that comes from the current story arc I'm writing. This fanfic follows the original storyline, but changes are made with the original characters and other developments. Just as a comparison, the complete Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan clocks in at 4.4 million words. That story has a weakass amount of words compared to Diaries of a Madman and Fallout Equestria. The anime-influenced Teen Titans had lots of quips and witticisms from its crime-fighting quintet, and plenty of action sequences to boot, while Smash Bros. is an action game from start to finishmore than enough excitement to keep a teenage boy busy as he indulged in his daydreams of having superpowers and hanging out with cool heroic teammates. (LogOut/ It is quite an action story with so many layers that there is something for everyone who loves this fandom. He took a total of 20 days off while writing this. Y/N was a Wing Warrior (WW) that was the last of her kind left that got invited to join the universe of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I'm writing this because I haven't seen to many of them Cover by TakerArts. The site is split into ten main categories: anime/manga, books, cartoons, miscellaneous, games . The previous record holder was indeed a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfic., You are in the world of smash ultimate. Then again, the story is inspired by so many video games that is hard to tell when it'll be finished. Both are set up for potentially multi million word stories and are passed 700k already and still regularly updating. But then he comes across a wounded Witcher in the inn where he is staying. While Season Six of Alex Warlorn's Pony POV Series is "only" 677,000 words, if one were to consider that it is currently at chapter 134 and count seasons 1-5 in the word count, it would probably top one million words by now. While the third and final arc of These Black Eyes will never be reposted because its own author thinks its terrible, Subspace Emissary is still going strong. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. The feral monster then charged an Aura Sphere that took several seconds to finish. There are 889 chapters that are not too long, making the story easy to read. The title translates to Remembrance of Things Past. But in this post, I will write about some of the longest fanfiction stories on Archive of Our Own. 2. The Lucario Noise struck the wall with its fist, and it miraculously didn't break. I'll let you decide; here's a small excerpt from an update on July 3rd of this year: The flying fist about to crash and crush Chris's head against the invisible wall made his body react, diving to the left. 4146275 Thanks for the tip I learned over a year ago on a thread I posted over a year ago. Im a 16 year-old. How do I change my Gmail theme on my computer? Loud House characters in Scoob and Shag lets go! If they based this Noise on Lucario completely, wouldn't that mean he's inhumanly strong?!" But there are a bunch of writers that have contributed to it. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word entered in the most trusted English dictionaries. I can't outrun him! And now she has a chance to change the story lines she didnt care for. So over 2.5 million words, and that's just three parts out of ten. As for the plot, its equally convoluted, involving a real-life Pokmon species called a Lucario whom Chris has adopted. The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. Not that difficult when your dialogue is five people repeating the same thing to each other. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Perhaps at 400 chapters, this huge tale will come at an end. This is really sad, actually. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, by comparison, stands at just . Some might wonder about the word I since it consists of one letter, too. 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? Your email address will not be published. As you can guess by the title, this is a Naruto story but in an alternate dimension. Surprise Creepy. Every chapter is a new episode from a season of the show. Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons is the longest completed story I'm aware of, 1,781,141 words. It currently has a total of 3,650,220 words and forms an ongoing narrative so you could consider it all one work. The shortest word is a. Yelping, Chris reared back, but the monster slapped him hard on his face, sending the teen to the right side where he crashed hard against the wall. What is the longest thing ever written 2021? WARNING: DO NOT LEAVE THE PAGE. The effect of the barrier only caused the Lucario Noise to growl loudly. If not, it's called The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, and it's written by AuraChannelerChris. Agreed. What is your writing process? PERRY RHODAN gehrt zu den bekanntesten Unterhaltungsmarken im deutschsprachigen Raum: Die Science-Fiction-Serie erscheint seit ber 56 Jahren, wird in mehreren Sprachen verffentlicht und gilt bei vielen ihrer Leser als Kult. Chris asked, not wanting to take a look at his pursuer. You must log in or register to reply here. The new longest fanfiction on this particular website is about Lord . complete answer on, View You are using an out of date browser. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is not only about stopping Tabuu from eventually reaching the real world, but it's also about everyone's struggles to overcome their challenges as people. IIRC the longest fanfic in the world is the RWBY infinite loops, which clocks in at 1.84 million words, or the Infinite Loops setting if taken as a whole. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. I have livid nightmares that this story will end at ten million words. This fanfic contains 271 very long chapters combining 3,635,481 words. It was the release date of the game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", and he was greatly looking forward to play it along with a very special person who took residence in his house half a year ago. However, to be fair, this could be due to the fact (for some writers) that once the tone & writing style are set for the story, it is not as easy to change it midway through the story (most of the time, it could even break the flow of the story). Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. Part of the RWBY fandom and is complete, with a sequel planned. But to judge from the reviews of the ficmany of which are variants on, holy crap, this is the longest work of fiction ever writtenAuraChannelerChris has won already. Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Your email address will not be published. "It was a good way to learn English." Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy What I seet would probably give the Pokmon anime a run for its money, but that's just my opinion. Im a 16 year-old teen. Hilarious to see this on reddit-after I left the fandom so long ago. How do you sort by word count? I thought it started to go downhill at around chapter 1193. In 1952, the world's first book of fanfic about fans appeared. No wonder it's garnered such a large fanfiction community notably 4 million-word The Subspace Emissary's Worlds . Last updated just a few days ago. I'd rather have the title go to that godforsaken "Ambience" than a fucking troll who's behind the times. It had been a long battle for survival, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real. Subspace follows OC Chris and the Pokemon Lucario, who "embark on a quest to stop the Subspace Emissary from taking over all the worlds." "W-what now?!" Looking even farther down the list, the 6th arc of the series comes in at 749,320 words. According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written! ALSO READ:The pilot for Teen Titans will be filmed in 2015. The story is a selection of the adventures written down by the scholar. It's an insult to writers everywhere to call this 'fanfic'. I have played nearly all of the Super Smash Bros' characters' games. Previously, the record is held by a Kantai Collection fanfic "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" by Hieda no Akyuu with 4,556,264 words (last updated April 2019). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In this world, the Fire Nation is in charge of two important nations now that there is no Avatar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. READ THE FAN FICTION SECTION AND THAT IS ALL, IF YOU WANT ANY TROPE-FREE TIME AT ALL. Diaries of a Madman is at 2,541,519 words and is still in-progress. complete answer on, View He studies computer science and computer maintenance. . Discord Apparently when AuraChannelerChris of first started his Super Smash Brothers fanfic (yes, Super Smash is still a bit mind-boggling to me) titled The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest, he intended to improve his English writing skills. No, as long as you dont get too addicted and it takes a toll on everything else, reading fan-ficition is the same as reading any other fiction novel even though it is rare that you get some knowledge or meaning out of them ( its not their purpose I know). Priase Jemus! 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021. It's been around since 2008, after all. Not quite as impressive as the previously mentioned fic, but still a hell of a milestone to meet. Still, the fact this man literally created a piece of literature that, as of now, is 4,102,328 words long, that is entirely dedicated as a Smash fanfic. It stars the OC Chris and Lucario, who embarks on a quest to stop the Subspace Emissary from taking over all the worlds. It was Published on June 14 2018 and last updated on August 31 2018. There is an immense amount of fanfiction stories on the internet. I did find a lot of them worth the read to pass the time like The Bean Trees, Pigs in Heaven, Hatchet, Flipped, and Of Mice and Men. Two long updates a week, usually. What is the longest fanfiction ever? Nope, its not Prousts la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time). Press J to jump to the feed. Speaking the language was easier compared to writing, and after moving to the U.S. [in 2008], many English teachers saw how I was very developed in the English for a person who came from Spanish-speaking Mexico. Reader. That's almost exactly 50% of the length of the one you describe. James broke the record by nearly two thousand words. These fingers of mine are in love with keyboards. I could either become a big influence in making many teens and children get into literature, or get my butt sued to high heavens by Nintendo. This story is about the Witcher and combines all the media types out there. Isabelle commented eagerly. Heartwarming. J.R.R. What is the longest piece of literature in human history? If you are looking for some of the longest fanfiction stories out there, then this is the post for you. You might say that AuraChannelerChris, the author of Subspace Emissary, has a tendency to wax verbose. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. How long after threads can I do Ultherapy? I agree with this. It focused on Sonic, who was a late addition to the game, and its story mode, The Subspace Emissary. From what I'm reading here that doesn't seem to be the case, but it's not my time that's being spent and it's most likely not for my enjoyment, so whatever. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! This also has a large impact on Rons character development. Many, many stories. Your email address will not be published. It is, in my own opinion, very well written and I have actually managed to read the entirety of it. "I can't wait to meet him!" "You won't have to wait a-much longer!" Mario pointed to the nearby. The plot of this one is a "what-if" version of the real final battle against Tabuu gone wrong.. Master Hand is himself the leader of the faction and he's the one who makes a hasty decision to go into the real world to get outsider help to stop the army from moving out. From behind them appeared the new player who was to join Smash. I knew beforehand that just representing the main characters' worlds in arcs would take me to the point that, for example, if Solid Snake were recruited at the last arc before the final battle, he wouldn't get enough development. This is a story that is a crossover between a massive amount of fandoms, including: The main focus is on the villains from all these stories and how they learn the power of friendship. I'm so grateful for all the help from teachers and my reviewers for helping me reach this level to write compelling stories. Luckily for him, he gets the help, with mixed results. The Aura Hunter growled with power to the sky, demanding his prey to come on outside. Ultimate (175) Crossover (163) Anal Sex (154) Original Character(s) (151) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. CCW: Character Championship Wrestling by NinjaCato on AO3 caps at about. I mostly read fan fiction as a whole. Super Smash Bros. has always been a series of improbable crossovers. Characters can be sorted into playable and non-playable, which distinguishes whether characters can be used with or without the use of a cheat device (like Action Replay) and aren't characters only usable in a specific part of game (such as Master Hand in World of Light). The word fighter is Spelled "figthers". Since the day Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released in North America. It really helps to listen to music, even while readers are reading because it helps to envision a lot of action during battle scenes. Minor point, but I don't think people with autism are generally referred to as "mentally ill". This may sound really odd, but I started writing fan fiction because it seemed like a good way to learn English. At present, the work has 28 chapters, which are grouped into a rough structure based on 32-bit role-playing games (Disc One, Disc Two, and so on.) The 10 Best Classroom of the Elite Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Snape Adopts Abused Harry Fanfiction Stories in 2023. There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild . (You may want to check out other Avatar fanfic articles!). Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. 2324334 Word-wise: Diaries of a Madman?Chapter Wise: Dunno, DoaM again maybe? doors of the hall. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfiction that is over 3,500,000 words long and loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He was, (and still is) writing multiple stories at a time. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, published on between 2008 and 2018, reached 4.1 million words by its conclusion, an admittedly impressive number. SubStar One Super Smash Bros. Brawl copy leads to the discovery that there are many worlds (or rather, video games) out there separated from the real world, and that said worlds are being targeted by Tabuu [a boss from Brawl] and his Subspace Army to expand the Subspace realm. You can get paid to write for us! But 654 to 1055 was absolute gold. Male reader x ssbu harem (Up for a. by Reggie4Smash. Whenever I have my laptop (an Acer) or a computer with an internet connection, I usually get to writing to pass the time. It starts where season 2 ended, and instead of focusing only on the battle with Skynet, it also shows a lot more character development. Their author profile alone is ten thousand words long. There was a lot of diversity in all those stories. He has a bunch of dedicated reviewers. Chris can do all that without his parents getting suspicious because his parents are conveniently away from the house nearly all the time. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. George R.R. The terrifying sight made Chris feel very sick. Ultimate Nintendo Switch The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. Heres what we get when our hero is introduced: Hello, Im Chris. Making it a fun and long story to read and entertain you. When my brother first told me about the worlds longest fanfiction, I was completely shocked. I have a. Interestingly enough, "Diaries of a Madman" is listed first if I browse all stories and sort them by wordcount but Its statistics say it is the second longest story on FimFiction.The obvious thing I am wondering here is of course, what happened to the longest one. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. You can also subscribe without commenting. Right now, the word count for the fanfic is at about 3.9 million words . Currently the largest nowadays is a Pokemon x MLP fanfiction at 4.5 million. No thanks. The Subspace Emissary's World Conquest held its legendary title as the longest fanfiction for a fairly long time (not counting troll fics) until it was slowly beaten by . (LogOut/ The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is currently over 3,500,000 . One of those fics is the currently 5.6-million-word Lord of the Rings fanfic At the Edge of Lasg'len. Two of the top five longest stories filtered by word count are by BlackRoseRaven, and are the 8th and 10th story arcs in "The Blooming Moon Chronicles." The story revolves around Lucario venturing out into the expanded Super Smash Bros. universe to save his friends from the evil wizard, Meta Knight, who has unleashed evil mind-controlling smash balls to create an army to take over the world. The FanFiction folder in the examples section can say more than I can. What kind of vision problems does MS cause? Not sure how much proofreading and planning you can add onto that. Apparently when AuraChannelerChris of first started his Super Smash Brothers fanfic (yes, Super Smash is still a bit mind-boggling to me) titled The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, he intended to improve his English writing skills. For people who might not have the time or the literacy in Super Smash Bros. to read your work, can you summarize the plot? But said "parental neglect" stems from Chris's own actions, and he himself is struggling to live in solitude. Cookies These 10 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories available that are really long! So, in a few words, each Smasher character has their own personal dilemma and views that clash with another character. The truth is the longest piece of fiction in the world to dateis a fanfiction.This fanfiction has 4,102,217 words, with more than 220 chapters! here's a small excerpt from an update on July 3rd of this year. It's a Super Smash-bros fan-fiction called "Super Smash Bros Under Fire: The Great Adventure Saga." For comparison, the whole Harry Potter series has just over 1,000,000 cumulative words. The story also recommends tracks to listen to during key events to give a more realistic feeling. And in his spare time, he writes the longest work of fan fiction ever composed. Previously, the record is held by a Kantai Collection fanfic "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" by Hieda no Akyuu with 4,556,264 words (last updated April 2019).