Simply choose the service that best fits your needs and quickly see a monthly price summary based on a few key inputs. UPD: If you need to solve it with trigger it will looks something like this: ", "tiers":[ { "name":"Capacity Optimized", "slug":"tier-3", "icon":"/content/dam/web-resources/project-specific/apex/price-calculator/images/icon-apex-calc-tier-3.svg", "descriptionHead":"", "description":"", "read":"50 (MB/s per TB)", "write":"8 (MB/s per TB)", "iops":"700 (per TB)", "useCases":["Smaller databases", "test / dev", "IoT applications", "Disaster Recovery", "commodity SQL", "Manufacturing Execution Systems"], "min":50, "max":2000, "default":50, "step":25, "priceFactor":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":102.995 }, { "max":200, "price":64.887 }, { "max":999999, "price":62.94 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":79.227 }, { "max":200, "price":49.913 }, { "max":999999, "price":48.416 } ] } ], "priceFactorColocation":[ { "term":"year-1", "rates":[ { "max":50, "price":338.63 }, { "max":200, "price":60.953 }, { "max":999999, "price":59.125 } ] }, { "term":"year-3", 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I want to display percent instead of an integer. free time, doesnt that sound great? The passive isnt meant to be relied upon to get you back into fighting shape after a skirmish.